★ 56

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Renjun walked back to his classroom, walking straight towards Beomjin's table. He's hoping to find at least something that has his information in it like adress or anything.

But he couldn't find anything.

He groaned in annoyance, running his hands through his hair in frustration.

"You won't find anything there." A voice said from behind him

Renjun immediately turned around, seeing Hyunjin leaning his body on the frame of the door with his hands crossed on his chest. "Go away."

Hyunjin snickered. "You're looking in the wrong place,"

Hyunjin motioned Renjun to follow him, but Renjun just raised one of his eyebrows at him. Hyunjin rolled his eyes, sighing. "Do you want to find Jieun or no?"

Renjun stayed quiet, he never mentioned Jieun but how did he knew about that?

"How do you—"

"Just follow me, then you'll know."

Renjun nods as he followed him. Hyunjin walked towards the garage of the school, no one ever goes here. "Isn't it locked?"

"Yes because he locked it," Hyunjin plainly replied

Renjun frowned, not knowing who exactly the 'he' Hyunjin's talking about.

"But he always left the key here." He said, taking the key under the flower pot next to the door

Renjun observes Hyunjin's moves, it looks like he came here before- more than once. It's like he knew this place so well.

As soon as he opened the door, he directly walked inside and Renjun just followed him. Hyunjin turned on the lights, and Renjun widened his eyes as soon as he saw what the room is filled with.

The walls are full of Jieun's picture- when she was going on a date with him, when she was a little kid, even the day the incident happened. 

"What's all this?"

Hyunjin turned his head towards Renjun, giving him an unreadable look on his face. "It's Beomjin's hideout, I've been observing him for years, and I think he's starting his plan now."

Renjun frowned, taking one of the pictures on the wall. "What plan?"

"To kill her, of course."

Renjun looked at Hyunjin, still not understanding why he's involved in this.

"Why are you observing him?" Renjun asks

"My brother died while protecting her from Kronos that night," Hyunjin began

He sighed, opening the drawer to take a black folder. "He killed Kronos, and he sacrificed himself by it. He wants me to protect Jieun."

"But why?"

Hyunjin's lips curved into a light smile. "She's my cousin. She didn't know about that though,"

Renjun widened his eyes in complete shock, he never knew that Hyunjin was Jieun's cousin and he's just trying to protect her all this time. 

Hyunjin chuckled at his reaction, handing him the folder on his hand. "Here, take this."

"What's this?" Renjun asks, opening the folder

"All of the informations you need, it's all there. His plans, the location, everything."

Renjun looked through the files and he's right, there's a detailed plan about everything, and it's nothing good. "He's going to give her a poison?"

"It's not just a not just a normal poison, it's an achlys poison. It took months to make it, that's why Beomjin is being extra careful with his plan." Hyunjin explain

"But why must it be achlys poison?"

"Because it could cause extreme pain, and whoever is injected with that poison will die slowly because of the unbearable pain."

Renjun looked down at the files on his hand before looking back up. "So you're telling me he's going to kill Jieun with a poison?"

Hyunjin sighs, shaking his head. "No, he's going to torture her even more."

well well well

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well well well

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