★ 48

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Outrage, hatred, enmity- that's how he feels right now.

Renjun is not the type to hold back his anger like this, he usually just explode right away whenever he's mad. But he knew he couldn't just explode like that now, it's way too risky.

He's 100% sure that Beomjin is the descendant of Kronos, but something just doesn't add up. It's obvious that whoever the descendant of Kronos is, that person will kill Jieun because that's the main mission. 

"What are you thinking about?" A voice said from behind him, making him turn around in shock

Jieun flashed him a smile, walking towards his balcony. 

"What are you doing here?" He asks, not even bothering to look at the younger girl beside him

Jieun hummed, trying to think of an answer. If she could be honest to him, she just wanted to see him. She knew he'd overthink these things, she's worried about him.

Jieun smiled, shaking her head. "Just wanted to see you."

"You know, I'm going to be the king of this place, you should call me your highness here." 

Jieun laughed, playfully hitting his shoulder. He smiled back at her, finally turning around to face her. There's an unreadable look on his face, something Jieun couldn't detect. He's always like this most of the times though, no one really knows what goes on his mind.

"So tell me, your highness, what are you thinking about?" Jieun jokingly asks, making Renjun chuckle

"Nothing really, why?" 

Jieun thought about this before, about him being the king. She always wondered what would happen, will he ever return to the Mount Olmypus? Will she ever see him again after he graduated this year?

Jieun sighed, looking at the dark yet somehow fascinating scenery in front of her. 

"What will happen after you become the king of this place?"

Renjun frowned. "What do you mean? I mean I'll be the king of course, replacing my father's throne. I'll rule this place."

"No not that, I mean will you ever come back to the Mount Olympus?" She said, turning her head towards him

Renjun just looked at her with a blank look, not knowing what to answer.

"Maybe I will, although I'll be here most of the times. You don't have to worry about not meeting me again, we'll see each other again even after becoming the king." He said, flashing her a smile

Jieun smiled at him, feeling relieved that she could still see him. But something feels wrong, it's as if something is bothering him. "What's wrong?"

Renjun wanted to tell her about his father wanting him to find a queen, but he keeps on holding himself back to tell her about it. 

He shook his head. "Nothing, what about you? Is there anything you want to tell me?"

Jieun stayed quiet for a moment, debating if she should just tell him or not. She didn't have enough courage to tell him this, but she knew she needed to tell him before it's too late.

"Yes actually."

Renjun raised one of his eyebrows, nodding his head. "What is it?"

Jieun looked straight into his eyes. Just by looking into his eyes, she felt herself being lost in it.

"Can you turn around? I-I just feel more comfortable if you turn around." She said as she fiddled with her fingers

Renjun frowned but he turned his body around anyways, his back facing her.

Jieun took a deep breath, gathering all her courage to tell him this.

"You don't need to answer me or anything, and if we see each other again, just act as if this never happened because I know you won't feel the same way but," she paused for a while, taking another deep breath before finally confessing to him

"I like you, Huang Renjun, I really do."

With that, Renjun widened his eyes. He immediately turn around to see her, but she's gone. 

She already left.

She already left

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