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"What should I do now?" Jieun whined

Jisung rolled his eyes at her. "I told you, you can't just be curious at him. You like him do you?"

"No I don't! I don't like him, just because I'm just feeling this weird feelings that doesn't mean I like him." Jieun defended herself

Jisung chuckled. "Is it like butterflies in your stomach? And then you're flustered just by making eye contact with him?"

Jieun stayed quiet, not knowing what to say.

"I knew it. You like him."

"No I don't!" 

She keeps on replaying his face inside her head. His face, his voice, his smile, everything. 

"You're thinking about him are you?" Jisung teased

Jieun playfully hit him on his shoulder. "Ah stop that."

"But seriously Jieun, I told you before right, he's not someone you want to mess with."

Jieun sighs, playing with her pen. "I know, I know. I just- I don't know. It's weird."

"It's okay, liking someone is normal. I just don't want you to get hurt because of your own feelings." Jisung said

"Yejin said the same thing yesterday, seriously what's wrong with me."

Jisung chuckled, ruffling her hair. "It's okay, it's normal. Getting hurt is normal, it's a part of life anyways."

Jieun nods, still thinking about the guy that made her feel this weird feeling. Maybe she does like him.


"Come on Jeno! Stop making us lose!" Haechan said

Jieun chuckled, watching them playing games, as usual. Haechan is currently playing a game with Jeno, Jisung, and Jaemin. Mark is just quietly eating watermelons while watching youtube videos on his phone, Chenle is sitting beside her laughing at the rest of them, and Renjun- as usual he's just there playing with his phone.

Sometimes she wonders, what is he doing on his phone 24/7 anyways, isn't there anything else to do? 

"Oh come on! We lost because of you hyung!" Jisung whined

"Hey guys, what about we play hide and seek?" Chenle suggests

Mark puts his phone down. "Sure sounds fun to me."

"Yeah let's do it in teams!" Jaemin said

"You're joining Renjun?" Jeno asks

Renjun shrugged. "That's too childish."

"Oh come on, what's wrong with being childish once in a while." Haechan said

Renjun rolled his eyes, putting his phone down, standing up. "Fine."

"Alright then, I'll be the seeker with Jaemin." Jeno said

Jisung nods. "I'm with Chenle!"

"I'm with Mark-hyung." Haechan said

Jaemin smiled, looking at his sister. "Alright then sister, you're with Renjun."

Jieun widened her eyes, her cheeks began to flush red. "W-what? Can't I be with you instead? Or Jisung?"

"Why? It's not like you like him right?" Haechan said casually

"No! Of course not!" She said, trying to keep her voice as calm as possible

Jeno stared at her, smiling to himself. "Alright then, let's start."

They were all about to hide when suddenly Jeno stopped Jieun, holding her hand. She turned around, giving him a questioning look. He leaned in closer to her ear, whispering to her.

"You know, I can detect lies," he said

Jieun blushed, looking at him with wide eyes.

Jeno chuckled, winking at her. "Don't worry, your secret is safe with me."

Well, maybe she does like him, Huang Renjun.

Well, maybe she does like him, Huang Renjun

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well oof

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