★ 62

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Renjun stared at the night sky, although there's no sky, this place reminds him of Jieun. She used to visit him here, the underworld. 

He chuckled to himself, remembering all their memories together. 

"Damn it's been a while since I've been here."

Renjun turned around in shock, seeing Jieun standing in his room. She then smiled at him, walking closer to him. He couldn't move, he couldn't even believe what he's seeing right now.

"Is this a dream? I must be dreaming." Renjun said as he slapped himself on the cheek

Jieun chuckled. "You're not dreaming silly, it's me."

"R-really? How'd you get here? You need to rememeber my room in order to—"

He stopped in the middle of his sentence, realizing what's happening. He looked at Jieun who's smiling widely at him. 

"No way, y-you remember?"

Jieun nods her head, unable to hold her laughter back. Renjun's surprised face turned into a smile. He then sneaks his arms on her waist, pulling her body closer to his as he hugged her. Jieun buried her face on his chest, circling her arms around his frame.

"I missed you." He said

Jieun hummed, feeling the warmth of his body. "I'm here now, do you still miss me?"

"Yeah, I still miss you even when you're here with me."

Jieun chuckled. "Cheesy."

"Well yeah thanks to your brother." Renjun chuckled back

They both pulled away from each other's embrace. Renjun stared deeply into her eyes, her eyes that holds his whole entire universe. He rests one of his hand on her cheek as he leaned his face closer to hers.

Jieun closed her eyes as he felt his lips on hers. She kissed him back, feeling the butterflies on her stomach went wild. At this moment they both realized that they love each other so much. 

Renjun pulled her closer by her waist, eager to get as much closure as possible. Jieun circled her arms on his neck, as she began to melt into him. She weaved her fingers through his hair, and he let out a groan in response.

No matter how many times he kissed her, she's always intoxicated with his kisses. No other sound can be heard other than their heated kisses and beating hearts, bonding into one heartbeat.

Their minds became hazy from the passionate kiss as they both pulled away, trying to catch their breaths. Their noses brushed against each other as they both smiled, relieved that everything's okay now.

"Huang Renjun." She called

"Yeah love?"

Jieun smiled at him with the smile that he loves the most. "I love you too."

Renjun smiled upon hearing her words. He then leaned his face towards hers again, pressing his lips onto hers again.

They both love each other, they really do. Although there's no star or moon here because it's the underworld, they are their own star and moon lighting up each other's life.

 Although there's no star or moon here because it's the underworld, they are their own star and moon lighting up each other's life

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awwwwwwww i know y'all have been waiting for that🤠

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