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They all gathered on the living room as Jeno used his power to heal their wounds. Well only Haechan got badly injured though, probably because he's the one who fought that thing the most but he's fine now thanks to Jeno.

"You saw this in your dream before, do you?" Chenle asks 

They all turned their head towards Jieun, waiting for her to answer his question. Jieun stayed quiet, not knowing what to answer. She didn't want to worry them about this.

She shook her head. "N-no, why would you say that?"

Jeno snickered. "Liar."

Jieun sighs, she forgot that Jeno could detect lies. Renjun glared at her and she nods her head, deciding to tell them the truth.

"I did saw that thing in my dream before." 

Mark raised his eyebrows at her, he has a feeling she's not telling the full story. "But?"

"There's a difference. It didn't happen exactly like what happened earlier."

"What do you mean?" Jaemin asks

Jieun pursed her lips, trying to find the best way to explain it. "It happened in the same way and in the same place, the difference is only one."

"Would you please stop twisting your words and just tell us?" Jisung groaned as he gets unpatient

"I died in my dreams because Renjun was not there, he didn't kill that thing." 

Chenle frowned. "What's that supposed to mean?"

Jeno and Renjun looked at each other, they're thinking about the exact same thing. 

"It could only mean one thing," 

They all turned their head towards Jeno, curiousity taking over their minds.

"It's because of Renjun's feeling towards you changed." 

"Renjun's feelings? He has feelings?" Haechan ask

Renjun rolled his eyes at his question, hitting him playfully on his head.

"It's because he cared about her, so he came to save her. If he didn't care about Jieun, what happened in her dreams would really come true."


The next day, the boys have another basketball game with Hyunjin's gang. Haechan felt weird today, he sense something's wrong although he's unsure of it.

Jieun watched them again, sitting alone in the bleachers. They finished the match with the dreamies winning by 2 scores, it was a tight game but they all had fun- except for one guy.

Jieun smiled, walking down towards the rest of them. "Good job guys!"

"You seem energetic today Jieun." Hyunjin said, smiling at her

Jieun smiled back at him, nodding her head plainly. The athmosphere around them is quite bright, they were smiling and laughing. But Haechan's expression suddenly changed as he felt something's bad going to happen.

"What's wrong?" Mark asks

Haechan shook his head, looking around the room. It's quite hard to read their expression because everyone is laughing- no one looks mad or angry.

"He must've sensed something." Jisung whispered to Chenle

Jieun frowned as a guy accidentaly hit him on his shoulder. The guy looked back at her, smiling at the younegr girl. "Sorry, I didn't see you."

Jaemin walked towards her sister, standing beside her. "You okay there buddy?"

The guy raised his eyebrow at him, chuckling. He glanced at Jieun, flashing her a little smile. 

"Of course, why?"

Jaemin smiled, shaking his head. "No you just look- I don't know a bit pissed?"

Beomjin laughed, looking at the girl in front of him. For a second, Jieun swore that she saw his eye color changed into a golden color, making Jieun stumble backwards in fear and confusion.

"No, no, I'm not pissed. I'm perfectly fine."

Jeno's expression immediately change as he heard him answer Jaemin's question. He turned his head towards Haechan and he have the exact same look on his face.

Haechan leaned closer towards Renjun that has been quiet all this time, whispering in his ear. "Take her away from here, she's not safe here."

Renjun nods, taking Jieun hand making her look at him in surprise. He exited the basketball court, taking her with him.

As soon as they're quite far away from that place he stopped walking, looking back at the girl. She had a confused face written all over her face. "What's wrong?"

Renjun sighs. "You saw his eye color, right?"

She nods her head in response.

"The only person that has a golden eye color is Kronos."


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