★ 51

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Jieun looked for Renjun around the school, but she couldn't find him anywhere. She began to get worried if something bad happened to him. She was about to turn around when she spotted a guy coming out from the male's bathroom.

She widened her eyes, running towards him. She stood in front of him, scanning his face. His hair and unifrom his messy, his face is bruised and there's a few scratches on his face.

Jieun cupped his cheeks, looking straight into his eyes. "W-what happened? Are you okay? Oh my god."

Jieun is worried about him, something must've happened that's why he's in this state right now.

"I'm fine." He said plainly

Jieun shook her head, looking at him with a concerned look all over her face. "No you're not, what happened?"

Renjun smiled lightly, taking her hands away from his face. He looks down staring at her hands as he rubbed it slowly, trying to assure her that he's okay.

"I'm fine really, Jeno could heal this in just a few seconds."

Jieun shook her head, she's still worried about him. He puts himself in too much danger for her, he could've gotten himself killed.

"Please tell me what happened. Is it Beomjin? Were you fighting with him?" 

Renjun chuckled, looking at the girl in front of him. "It's fine, nothing bad happened."

"What do you mean nothing bad? Look at yourself! Please Renjun, you put yourself in too much danger for—"

She stopped in the middle of her sentence as Renjun sneaked his hand into her waist, pulling her body closer to his. He leaned his face closer to hers, watching the younger girl blush as red as a tomato.

Renjun smiled cheekily. "Cute, you're blushing,"

Jieun buried her face on his chest. Even though he's not that tall, she's still shorter than him so she could still bury her face on his chest.

"Nothing bad happened Jieun, don't worry." 

Jieun looked up at him, pouting her lips. "But you're hurt, you got bruises everywhere and—"

Renjun cuts her off again. But this time, he did it by placing his lips on hers, making Jieun widen her eyes in complete shock. 

She didn't know what to do, but as Renjun's grip tightened around her waist she decided to close her eyes, replying to his kiss. Her hands rested on the both of his arms for support, her head getting dizzy from the sudden contact.

He then pulled away, looking at her with a grin on his face. In the other side, Jieun is blushing even redder now. "You need to quiet down, you talk too much. I told you I'm fine."

Jieun just nods, her hands now on his waist, hugging him tightly.

"Please don't put yourself in danger like that again."

Renjun laughed lightly, looking down at the girl. "I'll try, but I won't hesitate to fight someone who hurts my girl."

"M-my girl?" Jieun widened her eyes at the sudden name he called her

Renjun leaned his face closer to hers. "Yes, today's our day one."

welcome to chapter 51 everybody;)

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welcome to chapter 51 everybody;)

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