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"Hey Jieun, I have a basketball game in 10 minutes with the rest of the guys, do you want to wait and watch or go home first?" Jaemin asks

Jieun smiled, following her brother to the basketball court. "I'll wait, it's fun watching you guys play."

Jaemin nods. Apparently they're having a match against Hyunjin's team, well that's quite expected though, they're rivals anyways.

"Hey Jieun, I'm guessing you're here to watch your brother." Hyunjin said, greeting her

Jieun smiled back nodding her head. She was about to say something when suddenly someone pulled her back, standing in front of her to block Hyunjin away from her.

"Don't go near her." 

Hyunjin chuckled bitterly, looking at the guy in front of him. "Alright there Renjun, chill."

"Come on let's just start the game!" Jisung said as he's getting impatient

Haechan groaned. "You two need to control your temper."

Renjun and Hyunjin never goes along well, they both literally have anger issues. They could fight each other and none of them will give up until they win, they're both stubborn.

Jieun smiled at the guy in front of her, giving him a thumbs up. "You can do it!"

Renjun chuckled, nodding his head.

She then walked towards the bleachers, choosing a seat. The teams are basically the dreamies vs Hyunjin's gang; him, Felix, Jeongin, Beomjun, Minho, Seungmin, and Sanha. 

Throughout the whole game, Jieun continued on cheering for Renjun, and it made him somewhat nervous. Of course she cheered for the rest too but mostly Renjun.

"Renjun's blushing!" Jeno teased, earning a glare from the boy as he managed to kick him on his right leg, making Jeno groan.

Jieun just chuckled, watching the chaotic mess in front of her. They're all laughing and it's basically just a fun game. But Haechan had an uneasy feeling about this, as if someone in this room is mad, furious.

Detecting anger and danger is one of his powers, so that's why he's the only one that feels uneasy right now in this situation. Haechan looked around the room, trying to find anyone who looks mad or at least pissed, but most of them are laughing and joking around while playing. 

Until he saw one specific guy who had his eyes glued to Jieun. Anger was visible through his eyes- well at least to him. He frowned, watching the guy closely. 

"Yah Lee Haechan! Focus dude, what the fuck are you doing?" Mark asks, throwing him the ball

Haechan just rolled his eyes, continueing the game. After the game ended, they all went to the changing room to change their clothes. Haechan was the last one to exit the room, he was still thinking about what he saw earlier.

He was about to grab his bag and exit the room when one locker caught his eye. It's half opened, so he could see what's inside of it. He grabbed his back and he decided to walk towards that locker.

He peeked through the door, but he couldn't see anything so he looked around, making sure there's no one else. When he opened the locker, his eyes widened immediately.

There's a pair of shoes inside- a black shoes with a red star pattern.

There's a pair of shoes inside- a black shoes with a red star pattern

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