★ 19

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"Your majesty, your father wants to see you."

Renjun sighs, nodding his head. "Tell him to wait a few minutes."

The butler bowed. "Alright your majesty, he's in the garden."

Renjun walked back to his room, he quickly changed his uniform to his usual formal suit. He exited his room, walking towards his father's garden.

The flowers are beautiful. It's filled with all kinds of flowers, rose, lily, poppy, aster, daisy, camellia, carnation, and more.

"My son, you're finally here," His father said as he watered his flowers

Renjun smiled lighly at him, standing beside him. His father smiled at him, handing him a red carnation flower. "You know what day it is today, right?"

Renjun nods, holding the beautiful flower in his hand. It's the day he lost is best friend, Song Eunha. 

His father smiled at him, patting his shoulder. "Go see her, son. These carnations bloom for a reason today, she misses you."

His father handed him a bucket of carnation flowers, her favorite flowers.

Renjun nods, turning around to walk away from his father. Every year, he would visit her resting place. That's why his mood is a little bit more gloomy today. 

He closed his eyes, teleporting himself to her place, in the earth. She was just a normal human, and he's the descendant of the Underworld. 

Renjun leaned down, placing the carnation flowers on top of her grave. He smiled to himself, remembering their memories together. "It's been quite a while, Song Eunha,"

"I wonder what it is like there, although your soul is in the same place as I live in, I know for sure I can never see you again." He said, chuckling to himself

"I'm sorry for what I did that day, I was so stupid back then."

He smiled to himself, not knowing what to say anymore. The pain he felt- it's feels so unreal to him. Losing a best friend hurts a lot. Instead of saying anything else, he just walked away.


Jieun sighs, she has been watching him from afar for quite a while now. He just sits there, on the bench, reading a book. She was debating if she should go to him or not, but she hates to feel that weird feeling whenever she's around him.

She closed her eyes, taking a deep breath. "Alright, you got this Jieun."

She walked towards him, sitting down beside him. She smiled at him, and the older guy just ignored his presece. Jieun scoffed, leaning back. "Reading a book again?"

Renjun ignored her.

"Alright then if you want to ignore me like that," she said

She glanced at his book, curious of what he's reading. "Why are you always reading?"

"Why are you always disturbing me? Don't you have anyone else to disturb?" Renjun finally said

Instead of replying to his words, Jieun smiled widely at him. "Finally, you replied to me."

Renjun gave her a weird look. "You're so weird."

"Says the one that speaks too little." Jieun scoffed

"You talk too much."

"You said that before but alright then."

Renjun put his book down, turning his head, staring at her. Jieun's heart began to beat faster again, feeling a weird feeling inside her. She blushed, looking away from him. 

Whenever she's around her, this feeling blooms inside her. It's weird to her, it's her first time feeling something like this. It made her heart beat faster, and it made her shy for some weird reasons.

Renjun stood up, walking away from her without even saying a word to her. Jieun widened her eyes, putting the both of her hands on her hot pink cheeks. "Huang Renjun, why are you making me feel this weird feeling?"

 "Huang Renjun, why are you making me feel this weird feeling?"

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