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"Jieun, do you have practice later with Renjun-hyung?" Jisung asks

Jieun frowned, shaking her head. "No, but I'll practice tomorrow, why?"

Jisung scratched the back of his head, not knowing how to answer her. 

"Um, me and the rest of the hyungs have basketball practice today, not for the olympics but for the basketball tournament. Renjun-hyung doesn't participate in it though, so it's either you wait for us for two hours or you go home with Renjun-hyung." He said

Jieun widened her eyes. "Me? Going home with Renjun? Are you—"

"Hey Jieun, my sister!" Jaemin suddenly appeared from behind them, putting his arm on his sister's shoulder

"God you scared me." Jieun said, looking at her older brother

Jaemin chuckled at her. "Oh right, you're going home with Renjun today."

"What? You're joking right?" Jieun asks, not believing what her brother just said

"Nope, you're going home with him."

"But I could just—"

Jaemin puts his hand on her mouth, forcing her to shut up. "No excuses, you can't wait for me cause Hyunjin will be there, I don't want him to come near you so you'll go home early with Renjun."

Jisung laughed at them both. "You both are so childish, relax Jieun, it's only Renjun-hyung."

Well yeah, it's only Huang Renjun, nothing could possibly go wrong, right?


"Me? Out of everyone, me?"

Jieun nods, standing in front of the male figure. "Yes, Jaemin told me to go home specifically with you."

"What about Yejin?"

"She has extra classes today, so I need to go home with you."

"But can't you—"

Jieun shook her head. "No, I'm going home with you."

Renjun sighs in defeat, looking towards the younger girl. He shuts his eyes before nodding his head weakly, making the girl smile and clap her hands in exitement.

"Oh wait! I left my math book on my drawer." Jieun said

"Okay, so?" 

Jieun rolled her eyes, pulling his hand, walking towards her classroom.

"Company me." She said plainly, turning her head towards him while flashing a small smile

Renjun rolled his eyes at her, not even caring about the stares from the other students. Once they arrived in front of her classroom, Jieun turned around facing Renjun, letting go of his hand.

"Alright I'll go grab my book real quick." 

Renjun nods, watching her enter her classroom.

Jieun walked towards her table, near the window. She loves sitting near the window, because whenever she's bored she could just look at the view outside, it's quite refreshing for her. The classroom is quiet, there's no one else but her there.

She grabbed her book quickly from her drawer, but then she saw something weird on her table. There's a boquet of white flowers on her table, and the flower somehow looked familiar to her- but not in a good way.

Jieun frowned, taking the flower. There's no note at all or any informations of who that flower is from, making Jieun even more confused.

She took the boquet, exiting her classroom. Renjun turned his head towards her, his eyes directly looked at the flower boquet on her hand. Renjun widened his eyes, taking the flower from her hand. "Where the fuck do you find this thing?"

"On my table, someone put it there."

Renjun looked down at the boquet of flower on his hand, looking around to find the nearest trash can. He walked towards the trash can, throwing the flowers there, making Jieun widen her eyes in shock.

"Why would you do that?" Jieun asks in confusion

"It's a chrysanthemum, Jieun." Renjun said with his usual monotone voice

Jieun frowned, slightly tilting her head. "What's a chrysanthemum?"

"People use it as a gravesite decoration, it symbolizes death." 


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