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[I'm just gonna go ahead and put Mama and Papa here since I feel lazy to put their real names... and there's too many Ku]

"Kusuo. You're home!" Mama said as she hugged Kusuo

"Did Kusuna have a good time at school? She seems to be in a bad mood ever since she came home" Papa said

"She's fine I guess. What gives though? She always liked that guy" Kusuo said as he referred to Kusuke

"Kusuke called us an hour ago too" Mama said "He was asking if Kusuna is here. And he said he's going to send a package for her"

*ding dong*

"That's quick!" Papa said

"Kusuo. Go check it" Mama said

"Why? Where is Kusuna?  Kusuo asked

"She's fast asleep" Mama said "She just arrvived a few hours ago after all

".....Where's the coffee jelly by the way?" Kusuo asked. She promised earlier in the day to give it to him and now he wants it

"Oh I ate it. But I left a few for you" Papa said "By the way can you fix my robot toy for me?"

"......do it yourself"

(Next day)

"Hey Kusuo" Kusuna barged in Kusuo's room "Why the heck are there boxes blocking my door from the inside?! You went in then teleported out didn't you?! You know I can't move things with my mind as good as you!"

"......" Kusuo was momentarily startled. He's played this prank on her twice when they were kids but she would just get the things back to their places or teleport "It's early in the morning. Stop being so angry. And... Dad ate most of the coffee jelly"

"So that's your problem?" Kusuna glared at Kusuo as he nodded. Kusuna sighed and touched the air and opened a small door enough for her hand to get in. She reached inside and pulled out a small cake sized coffee jelly "Here. Now get those boxes out of my room"

".........What was that?!" Kusuo asked in shock. Kusana only has a some similar powers that Kusuo has but they were weaker. She never showed any power that he doesn't have

"Oh? Dimentional space pocket" Kusuna said as she threw the coffee jelly at him which he just levitated and slowly bring it down to him with a wide smile "If you're satisfied then get that junk out of my room"

"This is the package Kusuke sent you though" Kusuo said as he looked over the mountain of boxes

"I know. I read the little letter attached to it" Kusuna said as she pointed at the trash

"What's in it?" Kusuo looked inside using x-ray vision. He was too lazy to do it yesterday "Hey it's ice cream. Your favorite"

"Don't care. Get it down to the living room. Unlike you I can't teleport that many objects with me so stop stalling time and do it. It's not gonna grow legs you know" Kusuna said and crossed her arms

"......" Kusuo sighed


"Oh! Why is there boxes of ice cream here?" Papa asked. He was eating peacefully when boxes were sent to the dining room

"Sell it. I don't want it. If you want ice cream then I'll buy you some but I don't want anything from that guy so you better get rid of that" Kusuna said then she smirked as her father was just about to complain "Dad~ you ate some of Kusuo's coffee jelly? I told you not to~"

"......ok I'll get rid of it"

"But Kusuna... you always liked ice cream didn't you?" Mama asked "You used to love it so much"

"Of course. I still do." Kusuna grabbed a bread and walked out without explaining more "I'm gonna head to school now"


"Kusuo... why did you rat me out?" Papa asked. He has been a bit afraid of the new Kusuna since she arrived

"I'm going to school too" Kusuo said

"Wait! Kusuo! Teleport me to work!"

Kusuo ignored him and caught up to Kusuna "Oy Kusuna"

"What? I'm not giving you more coffee jelly if Dad ate the one I just gave you" Kusuna said as she kept walking

Kusuna's pace was a bit fast so Kuso had to jog a bit to walk next to her "I thought it was just some jet lag or something yesterday but what are you so angry about?"

"I'm not angry" Kusuna said

"You are"

"I'm still jet lag"

"I can't read your mind but I know you aren't"

"I'm hungry"

"You ate a lot of food at dinner. Plus you were never really one to eat at breakfast"

Kusuna stopped and turned to glare at Kusuo "And why the heck are you minding my business? Do you think I'm the same sister before? Well no"

"What do you mean? Did Kusuke did something to you or what?" Kusuo asked "You seem to hate him and I kinda do too but-"

"Don't you know?"

"I hate you and him Kusuo" Kusuna said

Kusuo's Pyschic Twin Sister FanficWhere stories live. Discover now