Saiko Metori Ending

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(5 months later)

"Hey hey Metori"

"Wait just a second Kusuna" Saiko said as he played a game in his computer when Kusuna came in his room

"You're such a cheater. You bought all of that uprage things and armors things with real money not the game one. You didn't earn it. I bet that player is gonna defeat you" Kusuna said as she sat at his arm rest

"Very encouraging words coming from my girlfriend" Saiko said sarcastically "Why did you come here anyway?"

"Look at me"

Saiko turned to look at Kusuna and saw that she had cut her previously long hair to a short hair right above her shoulders "....So cute~♡"

"So you like it?" Kusuna smirked at his thoughts but wanted to hear it again

"Argh I lost!" Saiko said as he shut the game down in anger. Suddenly he floated up with Kusuna "Woah. I really like this floaty thing"

"I'm gonna drop you" Kusuna said as she momentarily let him fall before making him float again

"Don't play around like that. Oh... and your hair ... looks cute" Saiko said even though he knows she heard it anyway

"Aw~ you're cute too. Want a kiss?" Kusuna asked

Saiko floated to her and gave her a kiss on her hand "I should be the one giving you a kiss"

"Such a good gentleman you are" Kusuna teased and hug him "By the way. What did your father say when you told him?"

"....Good luck"

"...He said that?"



"...Y-you are also invited to a party celebration for the anniversary of the company. Next month" Saiko said "L-learn how to dance"

"Are you kidding me? Dancing? Gowns? Ew" Kusuna said as she pretended to be dead "Do I really need to go to such a social event?"

Saiko sighed floated to shake her "It's gonna be an event where I also introduce to everyone that I like you...and you're my girlfriend....... everyone, including your friends in England, and our friends here are invited... just go"

Kusuna blushed at his thought "...All right.... you know... your thoughts really are more... flattering"

"Whatever. Tomorrow we're gonna buy you a dress that matches my suit"

"Shouldn't we buy a suit that matches my dress?" Kusuna asked "By the dress first"

"But I have a suit already"

"Then have it customized to match my dress" Kusuna said "I'll have you with me when I choose the dress. Want to see me in something princessy? Or something sexy?"

"..........princess? Sexy... oh gosh I don't know what to choose"

"Do you prefer if I have the dress customized too? A princess style infront of everybody, and I can take some things off to make it sexy when we have a lone dance at the balcony" Kusuna asked

"How did you know there's gonna be a balcony?" Saiko asked

"Every party I went to where your father hosted it. There's always a balcony. And you're always there" Kusuna said

".....Fine.. But I don't want anyone in the balcony with us when we dance. I want it to be just the two of us... and can you do this floaty thing too?" Saiko asked as he still floated

"That.... sounds romantic..." Kusuna thought as she blushed

".....You blushed. Did you like that idea? Should I have background music playing while we dance? Maybe kiss you too?" Saiko asked


"Hey!" Saiko stood up after being dropped at his bed

"Not a bad idea..." Kusuna blushed as she whispered then teleported away

"...Geez really now?" Saiko chuckled as he blushed "That's adorable!"

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