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"It's a good thing we got out of school early due to that teacher meeting for the festival" Nendou said as they walk to the Saiki family house

"Is it ok for us to come?" Kokomi asked "If I'm going to take care of Kusuna then she'll probably open up more and we'll get close then Saiki and I will get close too"

"Yeah we didn't bring anything" Mera said "As a guest I should be fed right?"

"And are you sure it's not too much company for her?" Yumehara asked "If Kaidou sees how caring I can actually be maybe he'll fall for me"

"I'm sure she'd be happy if we're all there" Kaidou said "She's been hit by this deadly virus, we must find a cure, I brought my book of antidotes, maybe something could work"

".....I don't know about that" Saiko said  "But well she might not get angry either" "She must be incredibly down today, I hope she cheers up"

"I'm sure it's fine" Kuboyasu said "I'm sure she's strong and will get well anyway"

"I brought some ramen" Nendou said as he lets himself in the house "Buddy I'll borrow the kitchen"

"Oy be careful. I don't want anything breaking" Kusuo followed after him to the kitchen

"I'm a guest and should be served food right?" Mera drooled as she walked to the kitchen

"Mera!" Yumehara followed Mera to stop her

"I guess I should go first?" Kokomi asked as she, Saiko, Kaidou, and Kuboyasu went upstairs "You know... just incase she's not dressed for guests?"

"Sure" Kaidou said as the boys turned around first just in case "oh hey, I got her some tissues. Uhm... those are nice gifts"

"I-it's nothing" Kuboyasu and Saiko said in unison

"Why'd you get a flower with a pot?" Kuboyasu asked

"Well.. why did you get her one too?" Saiko asked

"Makoto?!" Kokomi exclaimed which made the boys look into the room and saw Makoto with Kusuna

"Kokomi?!" Makoto stood up and turned to them

"T-tohru Mugami!?" Kaidou said in shock

"Oh hey guys" Kusuna said as Kokomi looked shock

"Y-you... did you... uhm.. were you kissing?" Kokomi asked

"Kissing?!" Saiko and Kuboyasu asked

"Well we weren't kissing but there was a kiss that happened" Kusuna answered

"He forcibly kissed you?" Kuboyasu took his glasses off and stomped his way to Makoto

"I'm gonna ruin his career" Saiko said as he pulled out his phone

"He didn't force me. I let the kiss happen" Kusuna said which made Kuboyasu and Saiko pause "Your turn Makoto"

Makoto looked at Kusuna in surprise "H-huh? Oh you can do telepathy too..when you said pyschic I thought it was just moving things with your mind...anyway I'll say something about this later... but what do you want me to say? I kissed you because you were... noisy.... or because I just wanted?"

"I don't know about you, you're the one who did the kissing. Oh and by the way, if we stare at eachother for too long they'll get suspicious so I'm gonna pressure you"

"What?" Makoto asked


"H-hey don't count!"


"Uh.. what? To shut you up?! N-no they'll probably punch me for that!"


"But if I said I just felt like it, I feel like they'd punch me too"


"Maybe.. it was an accident? Argh but Kokomi clearly walked in here when I kissed you, I don't know how to explain that as an accident...... I'm an actor! Think!"


"I confessed my love to Kusuna!" Makoto just blurted out without thinking

"She said... yes?" Kokomi asked

"I said no. That's why I let him kiss me just like that" Kusuna said which made Makoto sigh

"So you let him kiss you because you rejected him and felt pity for him" Kuboyasu chuckled "Poor guy"

"Hn well whatever" Saiko said "He got the first kiss but that was a sad rejection"

"....Why can I hear their thoughts?" Makoto asked

"Oh. Sorry, I was sneezing and forgot to turn it off for you" Kusuna replied

"H-hey! I'm not giving up!" Makoto said to Kuboyasu and Saiko "That kiss was just a glimpse of my love! I'm continuing to court her"

"The heck are you saying Makoto?! Want me to twist your arm in an unimaginable way?" Kusuna asked

"N-no... but since you can read my mind anyway... I actually really like you Kusuna"

"I have this really itchy feeling of wanting to blow your head off"

"....You can't actually do that... can you?" Makoto asked but soon regained composure "A-anyway! I really do like you! It's different than my love for Kokomi... I like you"

"Just walk away Makoto"


"......I don't like hearing that stuff"

"Stuff? Are you afraid or something?"

"Get out"



".....Uh so actually I need to go now because of a call from my manager earlier..." Makoto chuckled and played it out well. He even gave Kusuna a wink even though he was a bit scared "Bye Kusuna"

"....Kusuna? Why was Makoto here?" Kusuo asked as he entered just as Makoto exited the room

"What's wrong with him? He looks terrified" Nendou said as shrieks of glee from Mera and Yumehara from the living room was heard when Makoto probably passed by downstairs

"...Terrified? Maybe it was four eyes here" Saiko pointed at Kuboyasu "You almost beat him up

"You almost destroyed his career!" Kuboyasu said

"......." Kusuna clenched her hand in guilt "....There's too many people in this room... I'm a bit sleepy.. can you guys get out please?"

Before they could see her face, she covered herself with a blanket so they just respected her wish and went out

(Next day)

"Argh I'm tired" Makoto said as he went to the rooftop of his agency building



"I want to say sorry"

Kusuo's Pyschic Twin Sister FanficWhere stories live. Discover now