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"Kusuna. Wake up"

Kusuna woke up and saw Kusuo. Kusuna gave looked at him up and down then sighed "Cheater. You went to back to the house didn't you?"

"....... Anyway... Saiko needs you" Kusuo said

"Why?" Kusuna asked as she sat up and realized everyone was already up and doing something

"He hasn't eaten a thing since yesterday. We got Teruhashi to try and convince him but it didn't work" Kusuo said

"You got groceries?" Kusuna asked

"Yeah I placed them near the shore to make them think it washed up" Kusuo answered "Some instant ramen and other snacks"

"Ok. I'll try but..." Kusuna said then stood up "Metori's pride is reallt big on these"


"Hey! Metori"

Saiko looked back and saw Kusuna standing behind him with a brance used as a cane for a little support so she doesn't overdo her wounds "Kusuna? Why are you walking around? Sit down"

Kusuna sat next to Metori as they sat on a rock "Want a slap?"

"E-eh?" Saiko unconsiously scooted farther from her due to unhappy memories

"Or a meal?"

"Don't tell me you too?" Saiko sighed "I am not eating that and you will not slap me to make"

"Don't argue with me. Just eat. You liked it last time when we ate together. Eat some with me now. Everbody else is busy. I told Kusuo to reserve two, he doesn't know I'm giving you the other one" Kusuna ssid

".....No. I will not eat that peasant's food" Saiko said "You always order me around but not today, you will not slap me either. Go back to where you were sleeping and eat or rest. I'm not moving here"

"I'm not moving either" Kusuna crossed her arms "Either you get up and eat with me or we both stay here and starve"

"That's cheating. You're gonna use your state to guilt trip me" Saiko said as he pointed at her leg

"I won't"

"...I don't believe you"

Kusuna rolled her eyes "Oh please it hardly hurts anyway"

"......Really doesn't hurt much?" Saiko asked since Kusuna said it so easily that she made it look like she was being a little sarcastic

"No. So how about we eat?" Kusuna asked

"No" Saiko said

"Alright fine" Kusuna sighed and lied down "Tell me when you want to. I'll be here waiting"

"Whatever" Saiko leaned back on another rock



"It's not like I can stop it from rumbling now can I" Kusuna said and closed her eyes to take a sleep


(Time skip)


"Ouch" Kusuna said as she fell from something

"I said careful you stupid lackey!"

"Sorry sorry. But she's fine"

"No she isn't! Go get her some food and water now!"

Kusuna opened her eyes and saw that she was back in the camp where the fire was at. Then she saw Saiko "Oy Metori! What the heck are you so noisy for?! Shut up and let me sleep!"

"You shut up!" Saiko said as he kneeled down to her "You weren't saying anything huh? You can not keep quiet about having a fever! You were burning up you moron! I told the dumb one to transfer you here while you slept. You look terrible!"

"....." Kusuna's head has been hurting since earlier and she was a bit dizzy too but to not guilt trip Saiko she didn't say a thing "Metori-"

"No! Don't say any arguments against this! You're going to rest and eat!" Saiko held Kusuna's hand. Kusuna could feel his hand shake a bit "Y-you... just... uh nevermind.. it's just.. I'm sorry Kusuna"


"I said shut up!" Saiko stood up in anger and walked away "Just stay there!"

"Kusuna. While Saiko may be a bit angrier than necesarry, I also think you should just stay here and rest" Kuboyasu said as he gave her a cup ramen

".....Alright... maybe I'll talk to him again"

"Not now though" Kuboyasu said "Eat for now, does your head still hurt?"

"A bit.. I'm feeling a little bit more dizzy and it's a bit cold... it's been a long time since I had a fever..." Kusuna said

"I'll be keeping watch this night but I'll watch over you too. I'm not really big on taking care of people but I'll do my best"


Kusuo's Pyschic Twin Sister FanficWhere stories live. Discover now