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"The fever finally went down" Kuboyasu said after Kusuna ate some food

"Great. Where's Metori?" Kusuna asked

"He ate last night actually" Kuboyasu said "He just went walking earlier. He'll be back. We just accepted him back here and he seemed ok now"

"Thanks for looking out on me" Kusuna gave Kuboyasu a kiss on his cheek "Thanks about Metori too. He's a bit of a jerk sometimes but he's not bad"

".....Ok" Kuboyasu absentmindly started walking in the other direction while blushing

"Who's a jerk?!" Saiko asked as he walked from behind her "As soon as you woke up and get better you start running that mouth of yours again"

"I also said you're not bad" Kusuna stood up and patted his shoulder "You seem quite the chatterbox too. Told you eating it was ok"

"Hn.. you seem pretty ok... I mean standing up like no problem like normal..." Saiko said

".......What is it with my sister that attracts them? I mean she has a.... uhm... expressive attitude... a little rude too..." Kusuo thought in curiousity

"Oy Kusuo I can hear you. And they're just being friendly" Kusuna said

"No they're not. They have a crush on you"

"And Teruhashi has a crush on you"

"...No this is different.. They really have a crush on you"

"No they don't. Observe" Kusuna looked back at the two guys "Hey just weird question. Do you guys have a crush on me?"

"W-what!? Crush on you!? You've got to be kidding me!" Saiko turned away "Damn what made her think that all of a sudden? Argh I can't control my blush"

"Yeah I'm uh not thinking about those things much" Kuboyasu said "I should really stop fantasizing me... and her.. and....uh....motorcyle! Yes motorcyle! Totally!"

Kusuna chuckled "Oh I knew it! I was almost worried you have romantic feelings towards me! But of course that's not true. You guys are one of my bestest friends after all!"

".....T-That's right" Saiko and Kuboyasu said in unison

"You know what... I'm gonna help out with the boat....that we're making" Kuboyasu said "You can rest there... Saiki watch over her.. please"

"I want to oversee what they're doing.. just to make sure they do it right" Saiko said

Both Saiko and Kuboyasu awkwardly walked away leaving Kusuo and Kusuna alone

"What were you doing Kusuna?" Kusuo asked

"Whatever do you mean my brother?" Kusuna smiled widely at Kusuo

"You.... purposely said that" Kusuo said "It's like you didn't want them to give it a thought...like you didn't want to be more than friends"

"You do it too. To Teruhashi"

"What I do is different. Teruhashi just attracts too much attention and it's still kinda disturbing how her scary thoughts are sometimes" Kusuo said "But those two kinda really like you"

"I'm perfectly happy being friends and just friends. I understand that I may be being a little close but they're just comfortable to be with" Kusuna patted Kusuo's head "Don't bother with it anymore. Don't forget you're in big trouble after we go home"


(Time skip)

"You got sea sick too and I didn't know Teruhashi would take my limiter. Why am I being punished for it?" Kusuo asked while he served Kusuna for a day after they all got back home safetly

"You were also not very careful about placing your older sister down. Then to not even make it fair, everynight you go back here to sleep at a bed while all of is were there" Kusuna said

"But I bought groceries" Kusuo said "Also... besides introductions, this has been the first time you used the older sister thing on me"

"Who cares? And why was there a transaction made on my card?" Kusuna asked as she held her card up with a receipt "You even left the receipt for me to find"

".....Well it would be suspicious if I took too long here... and I couldn't find enough cash... I also didn't want to bring your card back to the island.. so I placed it back... where I found it" Kusuo said "...Aaaaaand I'm gonna pay you back"

"Not to mention the boat had lots of ice cream that Metori showed me before I got seasick. Pay me with ice cream" Kusuna said

"Yare yare" Kusuo turned to the door

"After you clean my room and brush my hair Kusuo"


"No powers"


Kusuo's Pyschic Twin Sister FanficWhere stories live. Discover now