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"Kusuo" Kusuna looked at Kusuo who was at the water with her "Can you even swim?"


"Are you sure it's not your power that's keeping you afloat? Because you look too still" Kusuna said since Kusuo was hardly moving while in the water

"Maybe a little?" Kusuo said


"What's this?" Kusuo caught what Kusuna threw at him but before he got to look at it he started to sink "Kusuna! What's this?! I'm sinking!"

Kusuna helped him keep his balance and took the thing she threw. She showed it to him and it was the germanium ring "Told ya. You can't swim"

"You have that?" Kusuo asked "How you even able to read my thoughts?"

"You must be asking me how. Well Kusuo. For my whole life I had telepathy. Even without it I can just tell what you're saying. It just comes natural. I mean come on almost all my life I have it, you gotta pick on some things even when it dissapears" Kusuna said "You know some facial expressions here and there. Body language sometimes too"

"......yare yare" Kusuo said awkwardly since he could hardly last a day without it and just kept bumping people

"Learn how to swim moron" Kusuna said

"Yeah I know. Got it" Kusuo said

"K-kusuna!" Kaidou said  "S-Saiki!"

Kusuna looked at Kaidou who was struggling to keep himself afloat while trying to swim to them, hopefully to be helped. Kusuna dipped her head underwater to look and saw that his legs were shaking and not moving much "Move your legs! Do you want to drown?"

"Yeah! That's the determination!" Hairo said as he swam next to Kaido and Kusuna. He high fived Kusuna before looking at Kaidou "Move it! Faster! You can do it! Kaidou! Kaidou!"

"Just because you're moving your legs doesn't mean you shouldn't move your arms! Swim!" Kusuna said

"I'm tired!" Kaidou said "Saiki help me"

"You can do it! Yeah! Kaidou! Hurrah!" Hairo said

"She's totally playing along with Hairo just mess with Kaidou" Kusuo thought then he looked at shore "....Oy Kusuna... Mera is eating all the ice cream"

"What?!" Kusuna started swimming back fast

"Yeah! You go Kusuna!" Hairo cheered then turned back to Kaidou "You can do it too! Don't lose hope! Everyone can do it if they tried!"

"You think I'm not trying?" Kaidou whispered

(At the shore)

"Mera! The heck are you doing eating all the ice cream from that vendor!?" Kusuna said while she walks out of the water and stomping her way to Mera

"U-uhmm..." The ice cream vendor that Saiko rented out looked at Kusuna in nervousness

"No" Kusuna shook her head in disbelief

"I'm sorry but I didn't realize someone could actually empty all of this. I didn't bring any extra too.. I'm sorry I was tasked to serve ice cream on whoever wanted and just kept serving..." The ice cream vendor said

"I... wanted to save it after I swim~" Kusuna pouted especially when Mera ate all the ice cream she already had

"Kusuna" Kuboyasu said as he stood up from the blanket he was laying on not far away. He heard the entire comversation "If you want, I can run to a nearby store and get any flavor you want. It'll be all yours"

"Really? You'd do that?" Kusuna asked

"I don't know if it'll be at the same quality as the ice cream vendor Saiko ordered though" Kuboyasu said as he scratched the back of his neck

"I don't care" Kusuna said "Ice cream is ice cream. Sure I have favorites but it'll alwayd be ice cream"

"You love it huh?" Kuboyasu chuckled

"I do. I really do"

"Well then I'll get going now" Kuboyasu said as he turns but Kusuna suddenly leaned in and said

"You're a lifesaver. You're so cool. Thanks"

"....." After blushing a bit, Kuboyasu ran away to buy ice cream

"Go go go! Go Kuboyasu! That's the spirit!" Hairo sprinted after him to exercise after swimming

"Hairo! Your damn swimming trunks are missing!" Kusuna said as she looked away in shock at his bare behind

"Maybe those are still in the ocean" Nendou said while he eats ramen

"Kusuna" Teruhashi walked up to her with Yumehara

"We were talking pictures together. Let's take one for the three of us" Yumehara said

"Picture but Metori-"

"Don't worry about that" Saiko walked to Kusuna with a handful of photos "I had hired someone to take pictures all day"

Kusuna looked at the pictures in Saiko's hand, it's a lot of group photos and individual shots of all them. Then Kusuna's eyes turned to Saiko's pocket which have a picture sticking out

"Oy! Kusuna" Saiko panicked as Kusuna took the photo from his pocket

"Hm...." Kusuna looked at some pictures of her only, and some with her and Saiko together "What's this?"


"What. Is. This?"

"T-that's suppose to be a s-surprise! I'm saving it for your birthday. And of course with me in the picture it just makes it all the more charming so I chose the ones without them" Saiko said "Nice one! That's a good excuse!"

"...In truth you just wanted to keep some so you could just throw some darts on it or doodle on it right?" Kusuna chuckled

"W-well some I guess" Saiko chuckled

"Hahaha I'm glad. I almost thought you had a crush on me but that's riduculous. Very riduculous. Cause I mean, you obviously like Teruhashi. Obviously" Kusuna said with a tiny bit of glare

"M-me!? Like you!? Ahahha" Saiko laughed it off too "But I don't like Teruhashi"

Kusuo's Pyschic Twin Sister FanficWhere stories live. Discover now