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"What was that Kusuna? When Makoto passed by me I heard his thought. What did you do?" Kusuo asked as he and Kusuna were now left alone in her room "Did you reject him that bad?"

"Kusuo this is none of your business" Kusuna said as she sat up with no more cold

"You were too mean. Plus you've been acting this way ever since we kinda knew that Kuboyasu and Saiko kinda like y-"

"No no no" Kusuna said "They do that"

"....You're afraid of love" Kusuo sighed as Kusuna flinched and clenched her fist "I'm right aren't I?"

"Kinda...." Kusuna took a deep breath "Look. I'd rather not have any of those... relationship things... I didn't even mean any of these to happen, the 3 of them are just really good friends and... well I got too close I guess"

"They're serious over you.... what will you do... you can't keep being mean at them" Kusuo said

".....Kusuo.. maybe you kinda read his mind about this but Makoto knows I have powers"  Kusuna said which shocked Kusuo a little bit since he had suspicion but didn't really think it was right "I want to tell the other two as well. They need to know... I want them to"

"....Do you think they're gonna change?" Kusuo asked "You know. They already view you as kinda mean but sweet and confusing. Having powers will be a bit of a stretch but maybe not too bad"

"You don't know that" Kusuna said "So far the only person who knows that besides our family is Toritsuka but he's a pyschic too"

"Well those three are kinda big too... actor, millionaire, and delinquent. I'm pretty sure they had their fair deal of secrets" Kusuo said "What was Makoto's reaction?"

"He's chill about it... but you never know about the other two. Plus how can you even tell what they feel isn't just puppy love or just a temporary crush because they just long for a girlfriend"

"....I've known them for a while but they act different around you" Kusuo said

".....W-well even if they maybe like me. How can we be so sure that their love won't just suddenly dissapear? How can I know if they won't leave me? How will I know if they won't just be there when it's convinient for them? What if it's just one sided love and I'm only hoping they actually love me?"

Kusuo hugged Kusuna "I'm sorry Kusuna. Sorry... for using you when we were younger... sorry for experimenting too much on my powers while you were actually learning control.. sorry I broke your stuff.. and your bones... I'm sorry for a lot of things Kusuna"

"..You apologized already" Kusuna patted Kusuo's back

"...The past affected you.. and even though I don't know them too much. Those 3 wouldn't hurt you... please give it a chance.." Kusuo said as he still felt guilty over her problem

"...I'm talking to the three of them tonight"

(At night)


Kuboyasu yawned as he laid down on his futon but suddenly hits concrete "Eh?" He opened his eyes as he was suddenly outside "W-what? What happened?"

"Why are you here?" Saiko asked who was just next to Kuboyasu "Why am I here? I was just in bed.... Where are we?"

"I have the explanation for that" Kusuna showed up from the shadow "This will take be a bit different... please bear with me until I finish it"

(Time skip)

"O...k..... so you are legit?" Kuboyasu asked

Kusuna levitated for a second to demonstrate

"She can read our minds... you said you can read our minds?!" Saiko asked in shock and embarresment

"Well I have control over mine so I can turn it on and off. Sometimes I leave it on and I can. But it's off now" Kusuna explained

"O-oh... so you already know... I like you..." Kuboyasu said

"Well.... as for me... well.. you know.. yeah.." Saiko mumbled

"About that.... I need to apologize to Makoto first then tell you my comment on that" Kusuna held out her hands "So... let's teleport to him. He's on the rooftop of his agency now"

"Ok" Kuboyasu and Saiko said as they held her hands

(Time skip)

After teleporting Kusuna spotted Makoto, she let go of Kuboyasu and Saiko's hand as she stepped towards Makoto "Makoto. I want to say sorry"


"I was too mean... even though you took care of me and was chill about my powers.." Kusuna said while Kuboyasu and Saiko showed themselves too

"O-oh that... well the comments were a bit much but I kinda get it" Makoto said "Afraid to love?"

"...Was it obvious?" Kusuna chuckled and looked at the three

"...I kinda guessed it. You only get angry when I start thinking about you.. romanticaly" Kuboyasu said

"That same goes for me... sometimes with a sudden smack" Saiko said

"And me too" Makoto patted Kusuna's head "I don't know why you're afraid to love. But I really do like you. I think those other boys do too. I'll be patient. If you want to choose then you can but if you don't then it's fine"

"No pressure" Kuboyasu said

"Well... as much as I want to... but.. I guess you could learn to know me too. And see if I'm what you're afraid of" Saiko said

Kusuna blushed a bit "..T-Thank you... and I guess I should try not avoiding it too... and let you closer?"

"Totally up to you"

Kusuo's Pyschic Twin Sister FanficWhere stories live. Discover now