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"....What on earth are you doing Metori?" Kusuna asked as she was just about to walk home with the gang when Saiko was tagging along

"......well you see my father gave me a trial to spend the whole day without my usual allowance and guards" Saiko said "I only have a little money"

"And you want us to walk you home? Or do you want to come eat with us?" Kusuna asked

"I'll tag along with commoners I g-"


"Don't be mean Metori" Kusuna said

".....You're the one who's mean" Saiko thought as he placed a hand on his cheek that's been slapped "Anyway. I'm not used to this I need a lackey so-"


"You guys can go. Metori is a handfull. I'll accompany him" Kusuna said as the others thanked her and went away since they don't want to deal with Saiko's attitude and Kusuna's temper

"Evil woman" Saiko thought "I'm hungry, show me a good restaurant"

"Let's go eat fast food or maybe ramen" Kusuna said as she walked

"Oy wait for me!" Saiko caught up with Kusuna "I will not eat commoners food, bring me to a restaurant, I guess 3 stars would do"

"Starve then"

"..........I guess I can give commoner food a taste" Saiko said as he felt like Kusuna was running faster on purpose. He held her hand to slow down her pace "Stop walking fast"

"You're the one who's walking slow" Kusuna paid no mind to their hand hold since they did this before in England

"Father is a liar. Not everything can be bought with money.... if that's true then I wouldn't have been slapped by her for trying to pay her to be more... kind back in England..." Saiko thought

"Metori come on" Kusuna pulled Saiko in a ramen shop and ordered as they entered

"This place looks shabby" Saiko thought "My reflection isn't seen on the floor. But kinda cozy... country style"

"I brought us in the best tasting ramen shop I know" Kusuna said as she sat beside him since he wasn't letting go of her hand

"You should've brought us to a 5 star restaurant if you want ramen" Saiko said "They have it in those too you know"

"The ramen here is good though" Kusuna said and pinched Saiko's cheek "You should try it Metori"

"We're in Japan now. You still call me Metori. We only called eachother by the first name because we were in England right?" Saiko asked

"Then Saiko it is" Kusuna said

"......I thought she wasn't going to agree... I want her to call me by my first name..." Saiko thought "....on second thought... it's a bother since you always called me by my first name... just call me Metori"

"Your mind changes quickly" Kusuna commented while the ramen arrived

(Time skip)

"Why didn't you let me pay for it?" Saiko asked said as they walked outside

"Oh that's ok. I said don't mind it" Kusuna said as they sat down by the lake "Was it delicious?"

"....Acceptable" Saiko said

Kusuna lied down on the grass and yawned "Told ya. You should eat with us more"

"I like it with you.... I- I mean don't misunderstand.... the foods are acceptable since we have the same palette for food... must be because we ate together in England too" Saiko blushed and looked at Kusuna who seemed to be dozing off. For some reason even though he thinks the grass is dirty he decided to lie down beside her and stare at her

(Time skip)


"Huh? What?" Saiko woke up, it seemed that he dozed off too

"The heck are you sleeping next to me!? You were suppose to wake me up when it gets dark!" Kusuna said

"E-eh but you didn't say anything"

"You should now that automatically!" Kusuna pulled Saiko up "Come on it's almost midnight now, get a taxi and go home before they sent a search party!"

"What about you?" Saiko asked

"I can handle myself. Just go" Kusuna said as she called a cab

"What? I can't leave you on your own. It's too dark" Saiko said

"I can handle i-"

"No" Saiko held Kusuna's hand and pulled her in to the cab and told the driver Kusuna's address "I'll get you home first then I'll go home. I'm not leaving at this time alone"

"...Ok" Kusuna said as Saiko tightened his hold to make his point. Although she was planning to teleport... maybe this is better "Thanks"

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