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The transfer student turned out to be Saiko Metori from the Saiko conglomerate. After asking Teruhashi to be his or whatever he walked over to Kusuna's desk "This desk here is good. At the back. It's empty so I'll take it"

"That seat is taken" The teacher said

"I'll pay the guy" Saiko said


"Sorry I'm late. I was in the bathroom" Kusuna walked in class and saw Saiko on her seat. She smirked and walked over while Saiko was in shock "Why Metori long time no see"

".......Kusuna?!" Saiko stood up from the seat and took a step back

"What? Why are you here? And back out of my seat"


"He came to get Teruhashi to be his" Kuboyasu said in annoyance

"Oh~ You like Teruhashi?" Kusuna asked "So much that you transferred to this school?"

"...Kusuna... I need a partner for a party next week. Teruhashi seems worthy of it" Saiko said "I can't tell her what I'm originally here for! Why does Kusuna have to be here in all places?!"

"I see. A party ey?" Kusuna patted Saiko's head "You don't have to make an excuse if you like her"

"I don't!" Saiko screamed. Everyone paused as well Saiko when he realized what he said. Kusuna ignored him and just sat back down to her seat

"......let's start class" The teacher said

(Lunch break)

"Hi Metori" Sakura went over to Saiko's table and wasn't even stopped by his bodyguards "How've you been since your vacation in England?"

"....I'm fine" Saiko answered "Crap I really can't handle her. Why does she have to look at me like that? Why is she even talking to me? I should've sat next to Teruhashi"

Sakura placed her hands on his shoulder from the back "Hey Metori you like Teruhashi don't you? Why don't you sit with her?"

"H-hmph..." Saiko said but didn't actually know what to say "She always knows what I'm thinking! Argh this is irritating!"

"You say something?" Sakura asked

"C-chicken?" Saiko picked up a piece of fried chicken with his chopsticks and asked Kusuna

"I'm gonna slap you"

"E-eh?" Saiko asked

"You better not be forcing anyone here or acting mean to people. I'm gonna slap you ten times more than last time... or maybe choke this time" Kusuna said as she creepily wrapped her hand on his neck but soon laughed it out to prevent Saiko from fainting and his bodyguards from acting out

".....I'm not doing that" Saiko looked away from Kusuna "Oh my gosh I just had a sudden flashback of my vacation in England. I can't believe I got lost, met her, have her guide me, and when I was rude to someone she just slapped me.... oh my that went on repeat for about 5 days whenever me met"

"Well it would end faster if you didn't keep being so mean for five days. Lucky for you, you've learned your lesson and we ended up actually being friends for a month" Kusuna thought

"Anyway... go away... now" Saiko said "Please don't slap me"

"Smile, why don't you?"

Saiko forced a smiled "I need to eat please"

"Good boy" Kusuna said as she kissed the top of Saiko's head and went to go somewhere

After Kusuna left Kusuo passed by Saiko and heard his thought "What the heck is Kusuna doing? Geez. Here I am trying to forget about her but she's here. Still the same as I met her last time. Maybe I should just tell her I like her? No... no I don't really like her it was just a thing last time but after moving back it was done... but she really is a force to be reckon with ... very beautiful too....wait! No! She's a mean person!"

".......huh?" Kusuo's glasses almost cracked in shock

(Time skip)

"Are we going to eat ramen again?" Kuboyasu asked while they all walk together "I think we're getting a guest today at my house so I'm not coming"

"Oh I got something to do today. Gotta clean my room before my mom sees the mess" Nendou said

"I got to go somewhere too" Kusuna said as she stands on the road just in time for a car to stop

"Kusuna?!" Kaidou asked in shock

"Oh it's him" Kusuo thought as he saw the car

"Kusuna!?" Saiko came out of the car as the others realized that she knew it was him and would stop "What are you doing?!"

"Drop me off somewhere" Kusuna said

"Huh?! You want a lift somewhere?" Saiko asked "And you stood infront of a moving car to do that?!"

"Yeah" Kusuna said "I knew it was you anyway, and that you would stop"

".................Alright! Fine! Get in!" Saiko went back in the car and left the door open for her

"Kusuo I'll be home late. I'm not eating dinner" Kusuna said while she went in the car and sat next to Saiko

"K" Kusuo said. He doesn't really mind her going with him, he knows how... aggresive she can be, but knowing Saiko likes her sorta makes him not at ease


".....Where?" Saiko asked

Kusuna took out a piece of paper and gave it to the driver

"This isn't a taxi" Saiko said as he crossed his arms

"Of course I know that. I wasn't a tour guide either but you continously get 'lost' in that one place in England" Kusuna said as she took some candy from a jar in the car

"........It looked like other buildings!" Saiko said even though it didn't look the same "Where are you going so late though?"

"I meeting someone who wants to repay me for rescuing his cat before being hit. He said he wants to give me something interesting" Kusuna said

"Kusuna-sama. We're here" the driver said

Saiko looked at the house full of graffiti and gangster aura "Hey! You're not going there!"

"That guy lives there though"

"Who cares it looks dangerous! No! Stay here and I'll drop you off your home!" Saiko said

"Aw~ you care" Kusuna said and carressed Saiko's cheek "Don't worry Metori if he does anything suspicious I'll slap him"

".......Hmph!" Saiko looked away "Whatever! I'm not waiting for you!"

"I know"

Kusuo's Pyschic Twin Sister FanficWhere stories live. Discover now