Teruhashi Makoto ending

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(5 months later)

"I'm home" Kokomi said as walked in her home and went to the dining room to get some water cause she was thirsty

"Want some Kokomi?" Kusuna asked

"Egg fried rice with some pork? Sure" Kokomi said and drank water "......bleurgh!" Suddenly she spit the water out

"What are you doing? I'm not helping you clean that up by the way"

"Kusuna?!" Kokomi asked as she turned to Kusuna in surprise "What are you doing here?! And why are you cooking!?"

"I'm cooking for Makoto. He said he'd be home in an hour or so. So I went here to cook for him" Kusuna said as she finished cooking

"Huh? Cooking for him? Why is she cooking for him? Why would she cook?.... How did she get in here anyway?" Kokomi thought "Uh...How did you get in our house?"

Kusuna held up a key "I have a duplicate key"

"And how did you get the duplicate?"

"Your parents gave it to me. So I can visit Makoto anytime. Although this is the first time I've actually used it" Kusuna said "The last few times I just teleported"

"You've met our parents?!" Kokomi asked

"Yeah. Makoto invited me last week to meet them while they were on a business trip. Right when they were at the airport" Kusuna chuckled "They seem pretty happy that Makoto caught his eye at someone else other than his cute sister"

".......Are you dating?!" Kokomi asked in shock


"Since when?!"

"Last month"

"W-when has he confessed?! And why haven't I even noticed?!" Kokomi asked

"He confesseda few months ago when I was sick that one time remember? You know... you barged in the door" Kusuna asked which is sorta a lie but she's not gonna reveal her powers to Kokomi "And it's not like we'll make this public. He's still the star Tohru Mugami remember?"

"The star?" Makoto went inside the dining room just arriving literally now "We've been dating for a month now but that's the biggest compliment I've heard"

"So 'I like you' isn't a compliment?" Kusuna asked

"In my career I mean" Makoto said as he sat down on the table "You must be jealous over all those girls that love me"

"I went with you on your work once and they treat me like I'm lower than dirt since I walked beside you" Kusuna chukled darkly "If only there was an alternate version of me that was evil and had punished all those who wronged me"

"....I would not even know what to do if such an existence came to be" Makoto said

"...Wait" Kokomi said as Kusuna and Makoto looked at her "You're dating? Are you sure you're not messing with me?"

"Do I have to act lovey dovey just because I'm dating him?" Kusuna asked

"No... but... well you don't act like a couple" Kokomi said "But well... even if they're not all lovey dovey and what not. Doesn't this mean I can be closer to Saiki? I should visit Kusuna next time pretending to just pass by, and certainly she'll push me away, if that happens Saiki would comfort me but even if Kusuna doesn't push me away it'll still  benefit me since I can be closer to their family"

"Your sister sure plans a lot" Kusuna said

"...I'm still not used to hearing it. I can't believe I asked you to make me hear some of her thoughts too" Makoto said

"I told you that gift was fine but you had to hear her thoughts" Kusuna said "And you enjoyed hearing the contradiction between her face and thoughts"

"It's surprising" Makoto said just as Kokomi walked away to her room upstairs "oh she went upstairs. Maybe to plan more?"

"Who cares?" Kusuna wrapped her arms around Makoto from the back and kissed his cheek

"Why do you only get affectionate when we're alone?" Makoto chukled and turned around to kiss her cheek

"I don't need to show someone else that I like you now don't I?" Kusuna said while going near Makoto's face

This made Makoto blush "W-well I guess as long as I know you love me right?"

"Love is a strong word. I'll save that when you plan to marry me"

Makoto blushed some more "I already told you. I don't date on a whim you know. And I don't just go jumping around one women to the other..."



"You're blushing too hard I can see your ears turn red" Kusuna said "I know that statement was too forward of me but I just wanted you to know it. That word is just too heavy right now. We're just a new couple anyway"

"Yeah... and I should be the one to make you blush you know!" Makoto said

"I did it first. You just have to do your best next time. Maybe I'll blush more?" Kusuna teased

"It's unfair!"

"Shut up and eat already. The food is gonna be cold"

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