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"Kusuo what are you doing?" Kusuna asked while Kusuo listens in on a conversation in a classroom

"They're planning a birthday party for me" Kusuo said

"Huh? We're twins right?" Kusuna asked in confusion "Our birthday is 3 months from now"

"They got it wrong" Kusuo said

Kusuna decided to listen as well

"What did you get for Saiki?" Kaidou asked

"I made him a buddha statue!" Hairo said

"Isn't it Kusuna's birthday too?" Kuboyasu asked

"Well I don't think so. I just passed by Saiki's mom the other day and she said Ku's birthday is coming. And she said he. So maybe Kusuna was born after midnight?" Kaido asked

"But wasn't Kusuna older?" Yumehara asked

"Didn't they say that in twins the oldest will be the one who came out last?" Kaido asked

"Who did?" Kusuo and Kusuna asked in unison "And we only have a few minutes in between. We were born on the same day"

"I've heard that the older one will let the younger one go out first so the oldest is actually the one born last in twins" Hairo said "She's generous!"

"But I got Kusuna something too" Kuboyasu said as he pulled out a box "I got her a biker helmet"

"Both Kuboyasu and I made a video of people greeting Saiki" Mera said "But I didn't know we were going to do Kusuna's party at the same day. Although I do have an ice cream keychain"

"Me and Yumehara got Saiki a cake. And maybe we should get ice cream for Kusuna" Teruhashi said "She likes every type of ice cream anyway"

"Oy Kusuo" Kusuna pointed at Saiko who was walking towards the room while looking at his phone

Both Kusuo and Kusuna turned invicible just in time for Saiko to look up and go in the room "Oy peasants. Why did you call me here?"

"We're planning for Saiki and Kusuna's surprise party" Kaidou said

"Surprise for what?" Saiko asked

"Saiki's birthday" Mera said "And well we think that Kusuna is probably at the next day since their mom said him so it must only be Saiki"

"Geez weren't you her friend why didn't you know?" Yumehara asked

"......their birthday is 3 months from now though" Saiko said in confusion "And as far as I know they were born and the same day. And Kusuna is older"


"Guess that's done" Kusuna chuckled and teleported away while Kusuo stayed to listen

"Then our efforts are wasted?" Hairo asked while he was holding a chisel "I was even preparing an ice cream statue for her"

"How did you know?" Kuboyasu asked

"When we first met we played 20 questions" Saiko said "A-and it's not like I want to remember her birthday or anything... She'll just slap me for sure if I forget!"

"Then... we got it wrong?" Kaido asked

"As far as I know. All off them start with Ku so it must be confusing for us non family" Saiko said "But I don't think all of that can be wasted. How about we make a welcoming party for Kusuna?"

"Welcome?" Teruhashi asked

"She lived in England right?" Saiko asked "It's the first time in years she's been back in Japan, why don't we throw a late welcoming party? At a beach or some sort since I heard it's going to be pretty hot this weeked "

"You're not so stupid after all!" Yumehara said

"Me?! Stupid!?"

(Time skip)

"Thank you" Kusuna shyly said as they gave her some gifts in her hotel room as they stayed in a hotel suggested by Kaido since Saiko's suggestion was too pricy

"I bet my gift is the best" Saiko said

"You gave me something?" Kusuna asked since so far she got a biker helmet from Kuboyasu, an ice cream statue from Hairo, ice cream from Yumehara, Teruhashi, and Kaido, and an ice cream keychain from Mera

"Of course. Who do you think rented out the whole beach?" Saiko asked

"....Well... thank you" Kusuna said "And I guess we should all have fun in the beach then"

"Also I rented an ice cream vendor-"

"Let's go!" Kusuna said

(Time skip)

"......oh wow" Saiko, Kaido, and Kuboyasu said while Kusuna was the first to walk out of the changing room. She's wearing a black bikini "Wow she looks perfect and her assests are bigger than Teruhashi's"

"Hey" Kusuna forcefuly closed the trio's mouth "Enjoy the beach not the sight of women out of the changing room"

"Y-yes ma'am" They said

"Kusuna looks good in that" Teruhashi said as she went out with the other girls

"Hey I got the some cold ramen" Nendou said as he walked to them then saw Kusuna "Woah like your boobs and butt look bigger than Teruhashi without the uniform!"

".....Enjoy your ramen. I'll sit next to Kusuo" Kusuna said as she went to sit next to Kusuo who was putting sunscreen on "Gimme some of that too"

"Here" Kusuo passed it over to her "....When did that get big- argh!"

Kusuna had just punched Kusuo "We haven't seen each other in 4 years. I was just turning 12 when I left. This things developed naturally over time" 

"....what other powers do you have Kusuna- argh!"

Kusuna had punched him again "Rude much?"

"....I'm sorry for commenting about your.... assets earlier" Kusuo said as he understood why Saiko seemed tamned around her, she's violent it seems "Why does Saiko get a slap and I get a punch?"

"Because you have a body stronger than steel" Kusuna said

"Yet you've managed to hurt-..... wait" Kusuo pondered for a bit "You can hurt me so that's mean you also have super strength but your punch didn't send me flying"

"It's called control. Something you should learn to get that limiter off your head" Kusuna said "Seriously it looks cute but looks like lollipops"

".....Arm wrestle me?" Kusuo said as he went to position. Kusuna just nonchalantly arm wrestled and easily beats Kusuo "Impossible... I was putting my full strenght of that but you were able to bring it down just like it was a book or something"

"Yeah whatever" Kusuna finished putting sunscreen on and stood up "I'm going to play at the water"

"Me too"

Kusuo's Pyschic Twin Sister FanficWhere stories live. Discover now