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"Aren't you excited Kusuo?" Papa asked as he drived

"Not really" Kusuo answered from the back seat next to Kusuna

"Kusuna seems pretty excited" Mama said as Kusuna was actually a bit eager to go "She even suggested we visit them"

"I like our grandparents" Kusuna said as she was just itching to teleport since apparantly their grandparents already know their powers. Kusuna couldn't even believe that Kuusuke had also been there before but didn't say a word to her and buried her in his work instead

"We're here" Papa said and parked the car

Kusuna ran out of the door and ran to their grandparents "Grandma! Grandpa! I miss you!"

"Good grief. It's a bit of a cliche run but I guess you were always close with them" Kusuo said

"Hn You didn't come here last time" Grandpa said "I miss you terribly my cute granddaughter! I can't believe you were helping your big brother do his work and couldn't make time to come here! But you're here now! I'm fine with that!"

"I have a souvenir for you from England. Here's some shirts Grandpa. And Grandma I got you some dresses" Kusuna said as she gave them the gift

"This day can't get any better!" Grandpa thought

"Hi there guys"

"Oh my this day just got worse.... is what you're thinking isn't it?" Kusuo asked Kusuna as she made that face

"Kuusuke! You're here!" Mama said and gave Kuusuke a hug

"All my grandchildren are here.... I can die peacefully" Grandpa thought

"Hey not so fast" Kusuo said to Grandpa

"Hahaha I visited last time and even made this town techy although it converted back very quickly. I just wanted to see my darling sister" Kuusuke said as looked at his sister who now gave him a glare. Kusuke flinched in surprise since Kusuna never did that to anyone....ever.... especially to him

"Let's get inside then while the trio catch up" Papa said as all adults went in and they left the siblings out


"Don't you dare ruin this day with our grandparents! I can't believe you didn't invite me here when you came last time! You even drowned me in your work that day! I wanted to go to visit them and go to the festival too! How dare you even live here for a few weeks and tell me that you were in a business trip?!" Kusuna said half yelling so it wasn't too loud "You go back to England for a few times just to what?! Mess with me?!"

"Ah sorry-"

"And Mama also told me that Kusuo and our parents came to England one time! I get that I was busy doing a favor for someone at the other side of England but you didn't even call me! They stayed for a few days!"

"That was-"

"You even called Nendou and Kaidou!"

"Because they're Kusuo's weakne-"

"Kusuo this and Kusuo that..." Kusuna glared at her brothers "I hate both of you but I'll behave in their presence. And would both of you kindly let this day go on without any trouble? BROTHERS"

"...Y-yeah..." Kusuo and Kusuke said in unison


".........so... she hates you too?" Kusuke sighed

"...Yes... but she usually acts neutral though" Kusuo said as he sat down and Kusuke sat down not too far from him too and took off his telepathy canceller to talk to Kusuo

"We're just giving her some moments with them right?" Kusuke asked "We're totally not startled by her new attitude... well maybe a little"

"Yeah... she changed so drastically" Kusuo sighed "She used to be sweet"

"That's the best you can do to describe her previous self?" Kusuke smirked "Well let me tell you that she used have a very very long temper and would usually take an insult and smile it, she's very friendly, she likes to smile a lot, she never acts mean towards us despite what you did as a kid, she adorably hugs me, she-"

"I get it now" Kusuo said "She also has some new powers I don't-"

"Huh?" Kusuke asked in confusion and shock

"So you don't know" Kusuo said "She has a new one. A dimentional space pocket, and according to her there are others that she chooses not to even show"

"She has more?" Kusuke stood up and made his way to the door but Kusuo stopped him

"Wait! Kusuna likes our grandparents. If we mess this day up for her she might get angry. We're only visiting for the day" Kusuo said

"....I guess.. next time. I'll count on you to tell me instead" Kusuke said "I still have to take care of some business"

"Why me?"

"Here" Kusuke threw a 1 month coupon for coffee jelly at Kusuo

"I'll tell you next time"

"......I feel like I've made you betray her a few times in our childhood for coffee jelly" Kusuke said in guilt

"Well.. betray is a... cruel word... I just broke promises sometimes... or won't wait for her.... that's not betrayal right?" Kusuo asked

Kusuke looked at the cloyds to try and change topics ".....The day sure is great today. Oh see that cloud?"

"Yeah. It looks like a fish huh?"




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