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"Oy Kusuo" Kusuna said as she stood infront of Kusuo's desk

".....What?" Kusuo asked

"Who the heck is Kuriko? Do we have some extra sister I don't know about? Or did you transform into a girl looking like us?" Kusuna asked "I never knew we were triplets"

"Uh...I just transformed and made that up because I wanted to go to that cafe-"

"And you didn't bother inviting me? Kusuna smiled darkly "There were a lot of sweets there. Also ice cream"

"......I just passed by it... and you said that you were going to Kaidou's house to meet with his little brother.......you're not usually this cracky though... is it that time of the month?"

".....Is it that time of the month where I get punch you without hesitation?"


"Kusuna" Kuboyasu said as Kusuo sighed in relief "Saiko invited us to come over his house. We visited last time to give him some paperworks but apparently he renovated something"

"Want to come? We figured if things went out of hand you'll calm him down" Kaidou said "Maybe she'll slap him again"

"...I don't-"

"I'll buy you ice cream" Kusuo said since he wants to be with someone who can snap some sense into Saiko

"Cool let's go!"

(Time skip)

"Don't tell me this is it" Kusuna said as she stared at the house with a ferris wheel, roller coasters, and a lot more things in it

"....This is it" Kusuo sighed

"........I don't know what to comment about this.." Kusuna said

The gate opened and out came Saiko "Welcome peasant-..... wait... Kusuna? What are you doing here?" "Hm... I had some things made for the others but I'm not sure Kusuna would like it. I mean she likes ice cream and I can order now... it'll take time but nothing really special..."

"Hey Metori" Kusuna sighed and was a bit down at the ice cream problem Saiko has "How are you?"

"How am I? Is she sick or something cause I feel like she should have slapped me when I said peasant.... maybe I should do something while the ice cream gets ordered?" Saiko thought as he just turned to them all "Come on in"

"......You're seriously down over that?" Kusuo asked

"....Ice cream is my favorite of all time..." Kusuna whined "Imagine if there was no coffee jelly from the rime you wake up to now... none at all"

"......you have a point"

"Kusuna? Are you tired?" Kuboyasu asked while he placed a hand on her her shoulder and let her lean a bit on him "Sorry for suddenly dragging you here"

"...I'm fine thanks Kuboyasu. I just feel a little pain" Kusuna said as she gave Kuboyasu a smile

".......hn" Saiko looked at what Kuboyasu did and opened the garage for him and let him play with real motorcycles "That should get rid of him for a while"

"Kusuna, Toki's been getting great grades and.... fighting ability now... I'm not telling you to teach me how to fight but I want to explore the world of fighting you know" Kaidou said and walked towards Kusuna


"Kaidou look" Saiko pointed at the moving statues and Kaidou instantly ran over to those "Saiki. I'll just have you know that there is a room just by your right made of sweets that yku're free to enjoy"

"Yare yare" Kusuo grabbed a very convenient fork from Saiko's hand and walked in the room

"You guys can go play around in the rides too!" Saiko said to everyone

"....So.....should I just go home?" Kusuna asked unethuciastically since no ice cream in this house

"Am I boring?" Saiko looked at Kusuna "Uh you could join your brother-"

"Is there ice cream there?"


"I have nothing to do here" Kusuna stood up

"W-wait. Just because there's no ice cream? We spent time in England before and you don't always get cranky" Saiko said

"Well I'm on my period now and I am sure craving some cheese flavored ice cream" Kusuna pouted

"Alright I'll order some for you" Saiko said as he made Kusuna sit down next to him "How many do you want?"

"I don't want you to waste your money anymore"

"Then I'll make my chef do it"

"They must be tired now after making that desert room"

"Then what on earth do I need to do to see you smile at me!?"

Kusuna blinked twice at what she just heard from his thoughts. She loooked to see Saiko still thinking about what to do while facing her. Kusuna blushed a bit but brushed it off before he saw her "I... don't want it anymore"

"Then what do you want?" Saiko asked as he couldn't really think of anything that would make smile to him and she's a bit confusing now

"...I want to make the ice cream" Kusuna said

"Make? Alright then but I'll have someone accompany you.. the head chef?" Saiko asked

"....Accompany me" Kusuna stood up and held his hand

"Huh? That was adorable. I should've hired someone take pictures" Saiko smirked and pinched her cheeks a bit "You want me with you? I guess you feel lonely without me huh?" Saiko has always been teased, chuckled at, pinched, and.... sometimes slapped by Kusuna, this was a little payback

"Oh come on Metori" Kusuna pinched his ears "Want a kiss?"

"Kiss?!" Saiko blushed ".....h-hn w-well"

"...Seriously?......You really want one?" Kusuna chuckled "This is the second time you know. Who knew you want my kiss so bad"

"I don't want it!" Saiko said "Just hurry up and make ice cream will you"

"Don't order me around! And you'll help too" Kusuna said as she pinched his cheeks

"Then why the heck are you ordering me around!?" Saiko thought but walked with her to the kitchen anyway "By the way. Next week I have a cruise ship vacation... want to come? With the others of course!....oh and there will be ice cream"


Kusuo's Pyschic Twin Sister FanficWhere stories live. Discover now