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"So you have a secret location too" Kusuna said as Kusuo teleported them to the middle of nowhere with a lot of rocks

"I want you to you to teach me control too" Kusuo said "Yesterday when we were at your secret cave, I saw you teaching Toki with your own hands but he didn't go flying away or anything. Even when you slap Saiko it's like a normal slap!"

"Here" Kusuna threw a ring at Kusuo "Remember that?"

"Germaniun ring" Kusuo said as he dropped it on the ground so he can talk to Kusuna "It makes our powers dissapear"

"I use it almost everyday" Kusuna said which shocked Kusuo

"How could you do that? I could hardly spend a day with that ring. People bumping me suddenly, people suddenly coming up behind me, when my things fall I can't catch it-"

"You know... for someone who wants a normal life you rely on your powers a lot" Kusuna commented "Well it started just as I went to college with Kusuke. I picked up this ring and found out that my powers gets cancelled. I didn't want to keep reading thoughts all through out college kinda feels like cheating and tha I'm not putting the same amount of effort everyone else does.... So whenever I go to school, get my liscences, get taught martial arts, and do my part time jobs.. I wear this ring"

"S-so.... you're actually legit.... with real skills" Kusuo said as he can't help but admire her

"Kusuke may not seem like it but sometimes he can be pretty strict too, and with all the achievments he has, I just wanted to be on track with him and get as many achievements as him even if it's not the same one since I can't invent" Kusuna explained

"Uh..... how does this teach me to control again?" Kusuo asked

"Well I was hoping I could just give you the ring and you can learn to just tap a little bit of super strength but that doesn't seem to b-"

"Woah woah wait" Kusuo said "The ring cancels out our power, what do you mean tap in a little bit?"

"Hm... that ring is powerful indeed but with practice you can learn to leak out a little bit of power when needed. Soon that helped me control my powers even when I'm not wearing it. I sorta know what's normal for my real strengh and match it with my powers so I don't have to use the ring all day..... Do you get it?" Kusuna asked "It's a bit confusing... oh but if I wear two germaniun ring it completely cancels out my powers"

Kusuo raised an eyebrow in confusion, the ring really cancels out all his powers and he can't feel any of his powers left "....Kusuna... could you be more powerful than me?"

".....well no... Actually I haven't thought about it" Kusuna said "...I don't think so I mean just because I won at arm wrestling doesn't mean I'm more powerful right? I'm just more stronger not powerful"



"You have telepathy, teleportation, super strength, and that dimentional pocket. What else?" Kusuo asked

"Hm...Mind control, Time acceleration by a minute, ghost transformation-"

"Ghost transformation?!"

"I can basically turn my whole being into a ghost for a few minutes. I've been using it to mess with this guy mamed Toritsuka. Now he thinks I'm just a new ghost in the area hahahah" Kusuna chuckled

"....Your sense of humor.. is different" Kusuo said "But that explains why Toritsuka hasn't been showing up to talk to you who's a new girl"

"Anyway, I can restore thing, I can sit on clouds, I can breathe in space-"

"You've been in space?!" Kusuo asked

"Well Kusuke once asked for a meteorite. And the ones here are expensive so I just teleported in space and took one" Kusuna said "So... I can also levitate, shapeshift, manipulate plants-"

"....My head is hurting over the powers you have.. basically you have some of the same as mine and things I don't" Kusuo said as he sighed "Can you just train me already?"

"Fine whatever. But you owe me ice cream. Lots of it" Kusuna said as Kusuo nodded "Oh and by the way. Just a quick warning before you start and might attack me. My body isn't like your indestructable body. Mine is mostly human.... if not for the ability to stay in space"

"Alright let's get on with it already"

(Time skip)

"Well. You improved" Kusuna said while she and Kusuo were at a cafe. She has ice cream and he has coffee jelly

"Really?" Kusuo asked. He was dirty and his hair is a mess. If he was asked to describe her training....well He'd rather see a cockroach than a strict Kusuna.... apparantly her attitude now is mild... she can be even... meaner

"Yeah. By the end of it all at least you managed to kick one rock without it flying to space" Kusuna said "You could also try to remember that I can read your thoughts"

"I know.... but you can also try to be more... verbally and physically nice" Kusuo said

"Do you have a problem with the way that I taught you? If you didn't keep making the same mistake maybe I would be more nice" Kusuna said then another order came "Oh my banana split came~"

"My other coffee jelly~"

"Mn~" Kusuo and Kusuna said in unison as they bite into their food

"Uhm.. Kusuna... wanna hang out.... next time?" Kusuo asked "You know... eat again, or arcade?"

"Sure thing Kusuo" Kusuna said then held up the germanium ring "Maybe if you learn control, I'll even buy you the most expensive coffee jelly in the world~"

"......You serious?" Kusuo asked in excitement

"Financially speaking I can actually buy it" Kusuna said

"Really? Are you sure you still have enough money? You don't work now"

"Who said I don't work now?" Kusuna asked "Just because I'm in highschool doesn't mean I'm not working. I already finished college this is just experience for me. I paid for my own tuition you know?"

"E-eh? You did?" Kusuo asked "....Hey... uh.. what's your job? Can I do part time too?"

"My job? Well I mostly work online for some scientist who are my friends. I help them with their research and send them stuff that they find hard to find because apparently I'm good at finding rare things. There's also this guy who owns a motorcyle company that I worked for briefly. I also knew a guy who has some boats, someone who had some helicopters, someone who owns a museum...... hey what kind of job do you want to have anyway?"

"Uh.... can I just work for you? As 1000 yen man?"

"1000 yen? You mean you'd do anything for a thousand yen?"

".....Yeah" Kusuo answered nervously

Kusuna pulled out a bundle of 1000 yen "Then you can start working for me right now"

"I-is it too late to change my mind?" Kusuo asked then suddenly Kusuna pulled out coffee jelly "....Yare yare"

Kusuo's Pyschic Twin Sister FanficWhere stories live. Discover now