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"Oh hi Mr." Kusuna said as she was just about to ring the doorbell when she saw the guy she helped

"Oh hey there" The guy said "Come in. I'm gonna get what I told ya about, it's dope. Thanks for saving my cat though, it almost got injured"

"No problem....You're Kuboyasu?" Kusuna said as she reads the graffiti "I have a classmate named Kuboyasu too"

"Oh that must be my son Aren. Just call me uncle then. If you get intimate with my son you can call me pops" Kuboyasu's dad said "Anyway it won't take long. Why don't you sit in my son's room?"

Kusuna didn't really have anywhere to sit so she went in the room Kuboyasu's dad said. There was still no one there but it's to be expected. The room though... it was... gangster vibe-ish...

(Saiki house)

"Kusuna used to be weaker than me.." Kusuo said as he talked to himself "But her powers... when did she have those? That dimentional pocket... she only has telepathy, teleportation, restoration, and pyrokinesis.... all of which are weaker than mine... but her telepathy is stronger now.... I don't know about the others though... had she always had those?"

"Ku-chan! Dinner is ready!" Mama said

"....But still... did she develop all those powers recently? Why doesn't she have a limiter?"

(Kuboyasu's house)

"I'm home" Kuboyasu entered his house and went to his room "Wha-....."

"Oh hey there Aren" Kusuna greeted as she wore a black bandeua with ripped black tight pants, purple boots, and a purple yakuza jacket

"Yo Aren" Kuboyasu's dad said "Your friend here saved my cat. I gave her the wrongly dyed outfit that's suppose to be for your mom. It was a pain getting that purple out and it shrunk too so I just gave it to her"

"Do I look ok?" Kusuna asked Kuboyasu. The outfit was more comfortable than it looks and she even feels a little bit more confident

"A-ah.... Y-yeah... very" Kuboyasu blushed a bit but since his dad was here he maintaned his cool

"Here have this too" Kuboyasu's dad handed her some food on a container "It's a shame you have some place to go. I was going to invite you to dinner too. So have this instead"

"Thank you" Kusuna said then turned to Kuboyasu "Well then. I guess I'll go now. Sorry for barging in your room"

"N-no it's fine" Kuboyasu said

"Bye then!"

"Oy Aren. You want advice on how to make her your woman?" Kuboyasu's dad asked "I got plenty. You seem to have your eyes on her"



Kusuna went inside Saiko's car and saw Saiko dozing off "Metori, I'm back~!"

Saiko flinched and looked at her "Kusuna?! What the heck are you wearing?! You got brainwashed didn't you?!"

"This is the interesting stuff the guy said" Kusuna said then smiled at Saiko "But didn't you say you would not wait for me?"

"................cover up more will you" Saik said as he threw a jacket to her since he can see more skin than usual

"I got food too" Kusuna said then turned to the driver "Drive us to my home"

"Geez.. this isn't a taxi" Saiko said

"Here Saiko" Kusuna took a spoonful of some food "Eat some?"


"Come on. As thanks I'll give you a kiss too" Kusuna said

"......." Saiko took a bite

"....You really want a kiss?" Kusuna asked "I mean seriously?"

"W-what!? ....I'm just hungry!"

"Whatever you say" Kusuna kissed Saiko's hand "I'll give you that little kiss though you spoiled prince"

"Spoiled prince?! Why you-....argh...you know what....... Oy drive slower" Saiko said

"Hm? Want to spend more time with me?" Kusuna asked

"Hmph" Saiko said as he smiled "You're really something you know that? I love that about you.....well not really love her but I love something about her... just something... just that thing......yeah...."

Kusuna blinked twice. Usually whenever Saiko talks to her, he speaks before thinking so his thoughts wouldn't usually come through or is just him ranting about what she says which Kusuna ignores. But Kusuna never really hears too much stuff about her

Saiko patted her head. He was focused too much on her that it just makes him stare at her like he's in a trance most of the time and ends up not thinking about what he says most of the timw.

Kusuo's Pyschic Twin Sister FanficWhere stories live. Discover now