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"Oh my goodness....it finally happened!" Kusuna said "NOOOOOO!"

"So noisy" Kusuo said as he opened her door "What?"

"I have a cold!"

"With all the ice cream you ate yesterday it's no wonder" Kusuo said "Oh by the way. Mom and Dad have a date somewhere in our grandparents place I think, I'm going to school now. I'll tell them what happened to you. Bye"


".....Argh.. fine leave me all alone" Kusuna sneezed on her shirt "...I gotta get some tissues... oh wait lemme just call him"


"Kusuo come back here and get me some tissues and some soup for me! It's the first time I got a cold in years and you have a strong body, you won't get infected! Hurry up and I'm still so sad I can't eat ice cream for the mean time. And tell our parents to get me something from their little trip. You better come or I'll eat all the coffee jelly"

*end call*

"With that coffee jelly threat he'd be here at any moment. No worries"


"Kusuna has a cold?" Kaidou asked "It's the ice creams isn't it?"

"How many?" Kuboyasu asked

"Hm...with the biggest size I think she ate ten... and there's smaller ones that I lost count" Kusuo said "Plus she had an ice cream maker and used a big bowl for it so... I have no idea"

"Can we visit later?" Nendou asked "Maybe even give her ramen"

"Oh uh yeah... maybe let's ask the other girls too... and maybe Saiko as well" Kuboyasu said.. he was still slightly awkward after their last conversation at the island

"Uh... what should we get her though? We obviously can't get ice cream" Kaidou said

"....She liked.." Kusuo thought really hard but for some reason the only thing that comes up when he thinks of things she likes is ice cream ".........uh......oh plants"

"Plants?" Nendou asked

"She recently redecorated her room" Kusuo said since it was part of his punishment to do the redocorating part while she orders him around.... but one thing he noticed was plants "She has lots of plants in her room. Not really flowers... just plants. Some with vines. Some were hanging. Some were on a pot on the floor..."

"So plants... anything similar?" Kaidou asked

"Well they're all different plants... I think.. I don't actually know much about plants"



"Kusuna. Get big bro some cookies from the fridge" A 7 year old Kusuke said while making something robotic

"Ok" A 5 year old Kusuna said "Can I sleep here tonight?"

"Again? But you have bunk bed with Kusuo" Kusuke said "Just sleep there today. Big bro will be busy with this new invention tonight. I'll get you ice cream tomorrow though"

"Ok... I'll get you that cookie" Kusuna went to the kitchen and got Kusuke some cookies. She slid the whole box in his room and sighed

"Was that cookies?"

"Yes. Want some?" Kusuna asked a also 5 year old Kusuo

"No. By the way I borrowed your bobby pins earlier. Some of them kinda twisted into different places and I figured you won't want it anymore so I just crushed it into a small robot I watched earlier" Kusuo said

Kusuo's Pyschic Twin Sister FanficWhere stories live. Discover now