Kuboyasu Aren Ending

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(5 months later)

* tap tap tap*

Aren tapped his foot in nervousness as he waited for Kusuna who was suppose to be in his house now so he can introduce her to his parents since they've been dating for a month but.. it's been an hour and he's afraid Kusuna won't show up at all

"....No no no... she'll come. She's just late... oh how I waited for this moment though, when she finally accepted my love for her I couldn't help but think about our future... maybe go on some cliche dates, maybe some motorcyle trips, trips to the beach too... then after graduating and earning enough... I'll propose. Then maybe if we get a daughter it's gonna be Anna.. and if it's a son then... Kuren... yeah that's a great idea"

"Aren!" Aren's dad said as he parked his motorcycle infront of the house followed by a very familiar motorcycle

It was Kusuna's

"Kusuna! I'm glad you c-" Aren was cut off when Kusuna removed her helmet and whipped around her new red hair ".....Eh?"

"Like it?" Kusuna asked

"It.. actually suits you" Aren said as he looked at her. It matches her fierce attitude

"Told ya he'd like it!" Aren's dad said "We even got her an undecut!"

Kusuna turned around, lifted her her up, and showed the undercut with some star pattern "Cool right?"

"Yeah... why did you two arrived together again?" Aren asked

"Oh. I saw her cool bike parked outside a convenience store. She came out eating ice cream and I recognized her, she helped me with my cat last time. After chatting about the bike a bit, I found out that she was going here" Aren's dad said

"But your dad went to the barber shop first and suggested that I get a new haircolor instead of waiting. I thought why not?" Kusuna said as she was actually very happy about her new hair

"Why are you here anyway?" Aren's dad asked "Forgot to ask that earlier"

"O-oh.. you see Dad.." Aren nervously scratched the back of his neck "She's my girlfriend now.."

"Really?" Aren's dad looked at Kusuna

"Yes. I'm here to be introduced as his girlfriend" Kusuna said

"Oh? Then why are you all shy Aren?" Aren's dad asked

"We just got together" Kusuba answered since Aren was being shy. She walked up to Aren and put her arm around him "He was eager to introduce me to his parents but he gets all shy"

"Well aren't you guys cute?" Aren's dad said as he walked inside "Aren's mom is out today so we should get inside. I'm gonna cook some ramen so entertain girly over there"

"O-ok" Aren said as his dad went in

"Is it the new hair color?" Kusuna asked she touched her hair with her finger and it turned back to pink "I can change it back with a finger"

"No. The red actually suits you very much. I was just nervous" Aren said as Kusuna turned her hair back


Aren caught what Kusuna threw at him "Keys? To what?"

"My friend gave me a busted motorcycle, it's new but got into an accident. The engine is in bad shape. Said he didn't want it anymore so he gave it to me. Then I thought, you like customizing motorcycles right?"

"Oh! Thanks Kusuna!" Aren said

"I'll have it here by tomorrow. Get it ready and working before our date next week then maybe I'll ride on the back of your motorcycle instead of riding on my own" Kusuna said

"........behind me?" Aren daydreamed about Kusuna hugging him from the back of his motorcycle as he drove "You're on!"

Kusuna chuckled and gave him a kiss on his forehead

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