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Kusuna was walking back home after buying herself some ice cream in the weekend when she saw a kid who was trying to wrap some leaves on the wound on his knee "Little boy, are you alright?"

"Oh uhm.. Yes.. but my Mama would kill me if she saw this wound, she'll know I was playing again" The little boy said

"What's your name?" Kusuna asked "Mine is Kusuna"

"I'm Toki"

"Then Toki how about we properly patch that up and then I'll buy you ice cream" Kusuna suggested

"I'm a big boy. I don't need ice cream I'n not even crying" Toki said

"I'm not asking if you cried. I just want to give you ice cream because ice cream taste good and there's some new flavor at that conveniece store that I want you to try with me" Kusuna said as she stared at Toki

"......ok.." Toki said and sat down on a bench while Kusuna walks into the convenience store "That nee-chan seems to have persuation powers, maybe I should be cautious and just run away, she's a stranger after all... well she was kind to help me but... it must be an abduction! My nii-chan is too powerful that she wants to hold me hostage! Well I'll run before that!"

Toki then began to run away to an alley way "Hn.. I got away. Here I am shrouded in darkness and have already dissapeared from sight. I will not be discovered"

"Huh? Oh there's a kid" A man walked up to Toki

Toki looked up and saw a big buff man holding a bat "Oh no. I can't use my strength if he has a weapon"

"What are you talking about?" The man asked and looked at Toki properly "Ohh you look pretty neat. Maybe I should get you and ask for ransom"

"Hn even if you did my nii-chan will save me and destroy you! He'll use his powers!" Toki said

"Oho really now? Well then- argh!"

"Eh? Someone threw a brick?" Toki looked back behind him and saw Kusuna

"Oy! You better not lay a single finger on this kid!" Kusuna glared at the man while she pushed Toki behind

"Oh yeah?! What'll you do if I did?!" The man asked with a bleeding nose

Kusuna threw her things to Toki as he scrambled to catch it. Kusuna cracked her knuckles and turned to the man who had called some back up that was just there at the alleyway. About four more people

(Time skip)

"Nee-chan! You must be some sort of super agent huh!?" Toki asked with sparkling eyes while Kusuna patches up his knee. Kusuna had just beaten up five grown men with weapons

"No. But I'm trained in various forms of martial arts" Kusuna said since she did martial arts before she developed super strength. But of course since the men she had beaten up had weapons, she tapped into a little bit of super strength

"You were so cool nee-chan!" Toki said

"....The ice cream fell to the floor though" Kusuna pouted because Toki was so amazed at watching her earlier he dropped the ice cream "Limited edition....."

"Ah sorry.... uhm but we have the same ice cream at our house-"

"Let's go to your house then" Kusuna said as she walked towards a motorcycle "I'm giving you a ride come on"

"Woah! Is that yours nee-chan?!" Toki asked in excitement in the cool looking bike that he never seen before

"Yeah. I got it as a gift" Kusuna said as she ushered for Toki to come "Truthfully this was a prototype of Kusuke's aquaintance in England that owns a motorcycle company. I helped him for a lot of favors before and he gave me this as a gift and even had it registered..... It's so good to be friendly"

"You have a liscence for this?" Toki asked while Kusuna puts a helmet on him and drove off while he sits at the back

"Of course. I have liscences for a lot of things" Kusuna said "Well Kusuke was sure asking a lot of things to do and some were just really not possible without a liscence. Some of them were just a joke apparantly even though I went to a lot of trouble giving myself some special papers because I was underaged and wasting all ny times to get those damn liscence"

"That house nee-chan!" Toki pointed out

"Alright" Kusuna parked the motorcycle infront of the house as Toki climbs off and gave Kusuna the helmet back

"Toki? Who are you with?" A woman said who was standing outside probably waiting for Toki

"Oh Mama! This is-"

"I am Saiki Kusuna. Nice to meet you Mrs. Kaidou" Kusuna said as she climbed off the motorcycle

"Eh?! You know my last name?!" Toki asked "She has powers!!!! She knew it! Wow"

"The resemblance you have with Shun is... uncanny. I recognized you were his brother since I first saw you" Kusuna said as she ignored Toki's thoughts

"Huh? Toki! Why do you have a bandage on your knee?" Kaidou's Mom asked as she kneeled down to Toki "You played again didn't you? I told you to go straight home after going to your group study at a friend's house"

"I was-"

"I was parking my motorcycle and didn't notice him get close. He avoided it and tripped. I gave him a ride home and patched his knee up because of that. I'm sorry" Kusuna said as Toki looked at her in surprise

"..W-well if it's like that then thanks for bringing him home" Kaidou's mom said

"Uhm I told her I want to give her some of that new ice cream we have!" Toki said as his mom nodded "Come in Nee-chan!"

Kusuna followed Toki inside and to the living room "I'll get it for you. Stay here nee-chan"

"Alright" Kusuna said

"Uh.. are you related to Saiki Kusuo? The boy in the same class as my son?" Kaidou's mom asked since Kusuo has been in this house before

"I am. I'm Kusuo's twin, and I am also in the same class as Shun and Kusuo" Kusuna said

"....What are your plans for college?" Kaidou's mom asked in a serious tone

"I already finished college Ma'am"


"I followed my eldest brother to England and accelerated myself to be with him, I graduated a few months back but because I accelerated myself I could not have a normal highschool experience... so here I am" Kusuna said

(Time skip)

"I'm home" Shun said as he walked in the living room and saw Kusuna being given ice cream by Toki and his mom "Eh!? Kusuna?! What are you doing here!?"

"Eat your fill don't worry. I have another limited edition ice cream!" Kaidou's mom said with sparkling eyes

"Nee-chan would you teach me sometimes?" Toki asked with sparkling eyes

"I'll come again next time" Kusuna said with a satisfied face

"Shun! You really have good friends!" Kaidou's mom said to Shun

"...Eh? Yeah?"

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