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"Kusuna I bought some ice cream!" Kaidou's mom said while Kusuna visits Toki at the weekend to hang out.... and get free ice cream

"Thank you" Kusuna said as she helped Toki finish his homework and project

"This seemed easy now Nee-chan!" Toki said as he held up the homework and his mom clapped in delight behind him

"Kusuna nee-chan, tutor me too" Haru, Shun's little sister and Toki's elder sister said. Recently she's also taken a liking to Kusuna

"Haru, you shouldn't rush too much and learn things not in your grade level. It would pay off in the end but you just keep studying now and have no time for yourself" Kusuna said "You're already smart so you can do well even if you study it a bit later"

"...You're so right!" Haru said as Kusuna sweatdrops "I guess I should have a hobby too huh? My friends have been telling me that too!"

"Kusuna is really something huh?" Kaidou's monm said "I mean Toki got a perfect score on four subjects recently! Amazing!"

"Nee-chan will you teach me training? Self defense!" Toki said while his mother and sister were too happy of Kusuna's presence

"Sure.... Want to go to our secret base?" Kusuna asked

"Sure!" Toki said "Mama, Nee-chan, I'm going out with Kusuna-nee"

"Take me with you!" Haru kneeled down

".......Didn't you tell me that you have some sort of quiz?" Kusuna asked

"....Oh yeah I forgot!" Haru said as she walked away

"Be back before dinner~!" Kaidou's mom said, recently she's been less and less strict when Kusuna is around so Toki really liked her

"Let's go Toki. Let's train your body again" Kusuna said


"Oy pal, your sis don't hang out with you huh?" Nendou asked while they try to make a tree house just besides Kaidou and Kuboyasu's secret lair

"...No, we're not really close" Kusuo said

"She seems to be close with Saiko though" Kuboyasu said

"They spent a lot of time in England... is what I've heard" Kusuo said. He's still sorry over Kusuna's hatred over him but Kusuna isn't really acting mean to him, she's just a bit distant which is a bit saddening for him because he actually misses her a bit and wants to hang out


"Eh?" Shun looked back and saw Toki running up to him with Kusuna not far behind "What are you doing here Toki?"

"Kusuna-nee is bringing me to her secret base!" Toki said

"Secret base? I have one too" Shun said as he pointed at the tent like base that's not hidden at all

"....That is not hidden" Kusuna said to Kusuo since Shun was too busy bragging to Toki

"I know... what does Toki mean by base anyway?" Kusuo asked

"Oh right. Toki, let's go, you can bring your nii-chan and his friends too" Kusuna said

"Really? Yey!" Toki said and walked with Kusuna

"You make secret bases too Kusuna?" Kuboyasu asked as they stopped just near Shun's base "I thought only Shun had that idea"

"Yeah sorta" Kusuna went in the small and narrow cave and clicked something


A sliding door opened fron the cave and it has another door with a hand scanner and password. Kusuna placed her hand and put the password in as it glowed green. The door opened to show a big white room with various furnitures and appliances inside

"..........oh wow" Shun said as he stared in shock

"This is the real deal huh?" Nendou asked

"...yeah" Kusuo answered

"Well technically I got this as a prize in a game when I had Christmas parties with friends and aquaintances in England" Kusuna said as she sat down on the couch while Toki heads over to a dummy he can punch

"This secret room is the prize? That's so cool" Kuboyasu said in awe

"....Ah.... not the room... this forest" Kusuna said as the boys stared in shock "So technically you're illegally making a base in my property... but since I know you, I'll give you a letter of approval later"

"H-huh!? Then why does this room exist!?" Shun asked

"I had it built with my own money including furniture" Kusuna answered

"You're..... rich?" Kusuo asked

"Well I can't just keep relying on Kusuke's money while I was on England so I took a few part time jobs with scientist and other business people including some of my former classmates. All of them pay a lot too but paid fair" Kusuna said "And it's not just me who's rich you know... Kusuke bought the house we're currently living in"

"...Oh yeah.. forgot about that.." Kusuo said as he sweatdropped at the thought that his elder siblings are way richer than he is. Buying houses and now owning a forest

"Who on earth would make a forest the prize!?" Kuboyasu asked

"....Metori and his father..." Kusuna said


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