☆ *・゜゚・* Chapter 1 *・゜゚・* ☆

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Girl 1: Tsk, what a slut I pity you

Girl 2: What an ugly thing what is it? A girl? *giggles*

Girl 3: *whisper* I heard that she is in love with Jisung

Girl 4: REALLY?! She doesn't even deserve him, he is not really popular either but he has friends at least!

Girl 5: *scoff* Who would date an ugly nerd like her.

Girl 6: You're right, no one like her, she has no friends and she is unsociable, no one wants to be her friends.

???: You guys forgot me again as I can see *smirk*

Random girls: *stutters* Y-y/f/n

Y/f/n: Yeah that's me so if you guys dare to say other shits about her I WILL STRANGLE Y'ALL

They ran away, scared of your one and only best friend: Y/f/n.

Y/f/n: Y/n? Are you okay?

Y/n: *fake smile* Yes I am~ thanks to you

Y/f/n: Aww you're sweet. Now let's go to class~

Y/n: *fake smile* Sure! Let me just take some books in my locker

Y/f/n: Okay! I will wait for you here then~

*5 minutes later*

Y/n: I'm here! Let's go now!

Y/f/n took Y/n by the arm and they went to the classroom. Y/n doesn't really have friends, her only friend is Y/f/n, they know each other for 7 years now. But Y/f/n has a lot of friends unlike Y/n, she is really appreciated and people care for her, she has a lot of boy friends and always spend time with them sometimes forgetting Y/n's existence.
She even wonders sometimes if people really see her or at least know her existence. She lives alone in an house and both of her parents are dead because of an illness

Y/f/n: Y/n! Do you wants to eat with me and the guys?

Y/n: *shakes head* It will be alright I will eat alone

Y/f/n: You sure? *she nodded* okay then, let's go guys! See you later Y/n!

Y/n: *fake smile* See you later *waves at her*

She went alone to the rooftop


I went to the rooftop, I'm not in the mood to eat with Y/f/n and her friends, I'm not even hungry. I just go to the rooftop everyday during lunch time, I go there everyday for a specific reason, Park Jisung, he is my crush since a year now. I found out that sometimes he go to the rooftop to eat with his friends. When I see him I usually go to the corner of the rooftop and watch him from a far. He doesn't even know my existence, he probably doesn't know me but I just fell in love with him... he is nice with everyone and have friends at least, not like me... I have only one friend who is barely with me. I know she doesn't care about me. She leave me alone whenever she can, she probably don't even like me, she just pity me.

I don't know what I did during my past life but it was probably bad... Maybe I deserve
this awful life, everyone is against me, no love and no one who actually cares about me, bruises everywhere on my body, scars... Even my only family chose to left me... it's probably what I deserve. Everyone I cared for left me.

I was sitting on a bench at the rooftop looking at the scenery, with a lot of thoughts on my mind. I was so much lost in my thoughts that I didn't even notice the people who just arrived.

???1: Isn't it Y/n?

???2: Yeah she is, but I never saw her here before

???3: *shrugs* Maybe she just wanted to take fresh air.

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