☆ *・゜゚・* Chapter 30 *・゜゚・* ☆

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(I put blue haired Jaemin because I wanted to 😌💚)

Author POV

Haechan: Now tell me everything, you know I won't judge you.

Y/n: I'm in love with Jisung

Haechan: Bruh- tell me something I don't know at least-

Y/n: *surprised* Was it that obvious?

Haechan: Gurl, you're my sister I see you everyday, and I think I know you well enough to know if you're in love with someone or not. Plus everytime I look at you, I catch you staring at him.

Y/n: Whatever, I'm going to sleep-


Y/n: *sigh* It's about Y/f/n and him

Haechan: What happened between them?

Y/n: Y/f/n asked me to help her to get Jisung and then asked me if I had a crush on someone or not. I did told her my crush on him but she probably forgot since she doesn't care about someone else than herself.

Haechan: Or she has a really bad memory

Y/n: This morning she said that's she doesn't wanted me to be around Jisung anymore. Since you and Jaemin are back, I became friends with the others and I got closer to Jisung. But she saw it and she told me to stay away from him, she said that he was hers and only hers..

Haechan: Bruh- does she consider him as an object or what-

Y/n: I don't know, all I want to is to not see them together.. I don't want it at all...

Haechan: Well, you can't decide if they will be together or not.. I don't want to see you heartbroken. If Jisung choose to date Y/f/n then he will date her, but I honestly think it will be the worst decision he would've made in his life.

Y/n: *bitter smile* If he dates her then I will have to move on definitely.

Haechan looked at his sister with sad eyes. He didn't wanted to see her heartbroken because of one of his friends. Honestly, Haechan knows that he loves her, but he can't tell anything to Y/n. He isn't the one who should do that. He is the one who should do it, not Haechan.

Haechan: *hug her* I'm sorry for you sis..

Tears started to form in her eyes but she didn't let them fall.

Y/n: You don't have to be sorry for me.. after all who would like a potato like me?

Haechan: You're not a potato, you're beautiful and cute.

Y/n: I'm not, I'm ugly and no one can change that fact

Haechan: You are really pretty Y/n-ah, stop saying you're ugly

Y/n: *sigh* You're the only one who think that way. No one else do.

Haechan POV

If only she knew the numbers of guys who like her at school-

Haechan: You're definitely not ugly and I'm not the only to think that way

Y/n: I don't care this is what I think.. Y/f/n is really pretty unlike me

Haechan: *sigh* Stop saying that, it's not true, now sleep.

She sighed a last time and laid back on the bed, covered herself with the blanket and closed her eyes. I patted her head and did the same.


It was 7am, I woke up by the sound of my alarm but when I looked beside me Y/n wasn't here.

When I went downstairs because I heard someone shouting, probably Chenle.

Chenle: Good morning Haechan hyung!

Jeno: Morning Haechanie

Haechan: *rub eyes* Morning..

Chenle: Y/n is in the kitchen she is making us breakfast~ Jaemin hyung is helping her

I nodded and went in the kitchen to see Jaemin and Y/n cooking just like Chenle said.

Jaemin: Oh you're up?

Y/n: There is just Jisung and Mark left then.

Chenle: Should I wake them up??

Y/n: Where are you from-

Chenle: China

Y/n: No I mean- ugh whatever go and wake them up.


He went away jumping, I'm 100% sure he is going to wake them up by shouting

Jaemin: The breakfast is almost ready you guys can wait in the living room

As soon as he said that we could hear Chenle yelling echoing through the house

Haechan: That boi I swear-

Jisung: *sigh* This is why it's better to not live with Chenle..

Mark: Next time I'm sticking his lips with strong glue.

Chenle: WHAT- EYE—

Haechan: *whine* Don't shout that early in the morning, my ears are already suffering

Y/n: The food is ready!

Jaemin: We prepared some fruits with waffles and pancakes, if you guys want to eat salty, we made eggs with beacon.

Renjun: Did you guys really cooked that much?

Jaemin: Yep! We both woke up earlier to make you breakfast.

Jisung: Why you two tho?

Everyone looked at him..

Helloooooo, do you guys still have school? Cuz like, I wasn't supposed to have school till next year but now I need to go.. If I need to go back to school you guys won't have a lot of updates :(( I wanna continue this story, plus I feel like it's going to be a long ass story.
Have a good day/night!! 💚

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