☆ *・゜゚・* Chapter 43 *・゜゚・* ☆

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(I hit the 1k views, I'm so happy about it thank you so much for reading my story it really means a lot to me T^T 💚 btw I luv Jisung <3)

Haechan POV

Haechan: Is that a joke? Please tell me that it's a fucking joke. Because of her my sister went to hospital twice? And got a memory trouble causing her to forget her and the bad things she did to her?

Hyunjin: It's not a joke.. she told me I was dangerous and that I tried to kill her...

Felix: While the only thing he did is to bring her to hospital when Y/f/n pushed her...

Chan: Plus she tried to get rid off her just because we were friends with her

Changbin: I warned her multiple times but she continued being the psycho she is.

Seungmin: *pout* I want to see Y/n again and give her a big hug.. she probably needs one right now.

Jeongin: We need to see her... please Haechan hyung..

Jisung: We need to tell her what really happened back then...

Changbin: Plus she only trusted Felix back then.. Hyunjin scared her too much that she didn't even dared to spend time with us..

Minho: This is why we need to see her again, Felix was the only one she trusted, and now that we all have grown up I'm sure she will be able to talk to us again.

Haechan: *point to Hyunjin* She talked about you once.

Hyunjin: *surprised* Me?

Haechan: Yes, she said to herself that she wanted to talk to you again.

Jaemin: I recorded the whole discussion anyways. I can make her listen to it. She will probably remember all the shits she did to her.

Minho: You recorded it?! Woah, genius.

Renjun: I think it's the time to give a lesson to that psycho.


Beomgyu POV

Me and Y/n were in her room, I was sitting on the chair next to her desk and she was sitting on the bed.

Beomgyu: Okay so, why did you invited me? There is a reason and it's obvious.

Y/n: I think I needed a friend so I thought of you..

Beomgyu: *serious* Tell me what happened Y/n, I can tell just by looking at your face that you're sad

I'm not sure I will appreciate the reason of why she is sad but I'm her friend and I feel the need to take care of her...

Y/n: *sigh* It's because of Jisung...

Beomgyu: What happened with him?

Y/n: I... Jisung is dating Y/f/n now and I...

Beomgyu: You like him right?

Just by looking at her face I can tell I am right.. I felt a little hurt but as her friend I need to support her.

Beomgyu: Come here, let me give you a biiiig hug, I'm sure you need one right now.

I got up from my seat and sat beside her on the bed, opened my arms and hugged her.

Y/n: *quietly* Why are you always being this kind with me Beomgyu-ah..?

Beomgyu: I'm your friend and I care for you, this is why I want to help and comfort you..

Y/n: *tear up* Thank you.. so much...

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