☆ *・゜゚・* Chapter 20 *・゜゚・* ☆

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(I'm on my Chenle loving hours don't mind me 😙✌️)

Author POV

She turned off her phone screen and sighed, she wasn't happy at all, just imagining her crush and her best friend together hurt her a lot, even more than what she thought, her heart aches every time they see them close. She knew she couldn't do anything against Y/f/n or else she will turn everyone against her, leaving her all alone.. she doesn't want it to happen again..

With that she switched off the light, wrap the blanket around her and fell asleep really quickly.


Today it's Wednesday, the day Jaemin promised Y/n to bring her to the amusement park. It's 6:30 am, Y/n got up earlier than expected and started preparing her and Haechan breakfast. At 7am, he got up from his bed and went straight to the kitchen expecting Y/n to still be asleep, when he arrived in the kitchen his eyes went wide, he started rubbing his eyes to see if it was a dream or not.

Y/n: Oh come on, stop overreacting it's not even the first time I'm making you breakfast!

Haechan: I know but-

Y/n: Don't you dare to talk and eat quickly or else I'm eating your waffles and your chocolate-

Haechan: Okay okay! I'll stop! *glare* Don't touch my chocolate, glutton.


Haechan: ME?! A PIG?! EYE—

Y/n: *take a bite of his chocolate* This is because you called me a glutton *stick her tongue*

Haechan: *shocked* MY CHOCOLATE- YOU ATE MY-

Y/n: *glare* Stop being a kid and eat

Haechan: *upset and pout* Fine..


Once finished they made their way toward the door.


Haechan: YOU BRAT-

Renjun: *cover Haechan mouth* Shhhh don't make a fuss that early in the morning

Jeno: *cover Chenle mouth* You too, our ears are already suffering everyday, so shush little dolphin

Jaemin: Shall we go?

Mark: Yup let's go!


Y/n: Will we immediately go to the amusement park after class?

Jaemin: Nah since we all finish at 11am we will go to our houses first and let our school stuff there.

Y/n: Are we going to eat outside too?

They all nodded. We continued walking and talking about this afternoon, we were really excited. Jisung, was again alone in the corner. It's not the first time he seems lost in his thoughts, I wanna know why but I'm not close enough.. I wonder why he is like that..
I mentally slapped myself and focused back on Jaemin and Haechan, even if Haechan is my brother he is my best friend and I'm really happy he is by my side now.

Jisung: Guys? Is it's okay if I don't go with y'all after school?

Y/n: *tilt head* Why?

Mark: Is there something wrong with one of us?

Renjun: If there is any problems tell us

Chenle: Who is it? Jaemin hyung? Haechan hyung? Me?

Jisung: Nah it's not because of that-

Haechan: Then why?

Jisung: *look away* I will talk about it later

He dragged Chenle with him and started talking to him, probably explaining why he suddenly didn't wanted to come with us. I couldn't hear them and I think I shouldn't even try to. Suddenly Chenle got surprised and dragged Renjun with him. They all got dragged away one by one, leaving me alone in confusion. After some minutes we arrived to school but without listening the guys, I went straight into class, they literally ignored me when I asked question *grumpy face*

Haechan: Y/n wait!

I ignored him like they did and went to Y/f/n who was already in the classroom, when she saw me her face lit up, she was probably waiting for me.

Y/f/n: I wanna talk about *look around* Jisung. I don't want you to be around him anymore.

I wonder what Y/n will do 👀 I feel like Y/f/n already considers Jisung as hers 👀 I have others plans for Y/n and Jisung anyways 👀
I hope you enjoyed this short chapter, and that you'll still enjoy my story in the future! Have a good day/night and take care of you! Remember that you are loved no matter what other says ^^ 💚

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