☆ *・゜゚・* Chapter 37 *・゜゚・* ☆

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(Beomgyu is way too much handsome to be real T^T 💕)

Author POV

It was Sunday, Y/n was in front of her door, waiting for Taehyun and his friends to arrive. They were going to the mall today, she was really happy because she finally made new friends with who she can hangout with. Yes, there is Haechan and his friends but because of her crush on Jisung it makes things kinda uncomfortable when both of them are together.

Beomgyu: Y/n-ah! We're here!

She went down the little stairs and ran to them. A big and genuine smile plastered all over her little face.

Beomgyu: *chuckles* Why are you so happy?

Y/n: I'm just happy because I made new friends.

Soobin: And who are your new friends?

Y/n: *smile* You all!

Beomgyu: Aw, you're happy that we're your friends?

She nodded happily

Beomgyu: *chuckles* It's cute

Yeonjun: Shall we go now?



They arrived at the mall, and it's a little crowded.

Beomgyu: Y/n? Come here, I don't really want to lose you in that crowd.

He took her by her hand and just after he did, someone pushed her, nearly causing her to fall. But fortunately Beomgyu caught her, and the dude who pushed her apologized.

Beomgyu: Are you okay?

She nodded, still smiling

Beomgyu: Okay then let's go

Yeonjun: Where do you guys wants to go first?

Y/n: I wanna buy some decorating stuff! I need to buy glitters!

Beomgyu: Okay okay let's go then

HueningKai: *pout* But I want to buy a new plushie!

Taehyun: *look at Beomgyu* What if you accompany Y/n to buy what she wants? We will bring HueningKai to buy his new plushie.

Yeonjun: Yeah we can do that. Plus I need to buy new shoes.

Soobin: Okay then we will split, when you guys will have finished what you wanted to you can join us to the arcade.

Taehyun: Okay then let's go!

He dragged Soobin, Yeonjun and HueningKai away, leaving Beomgyu and Y/n behind

Beomgyu: *scratch the back of his neck* Well I think it's going to be us two only.

Y/n: Yup! Now let's go!

She grabbed him by the hand and dragged him softly to the art and craft shop she wanted to go in.

Y/n: Beomgyu-ah

Beomgyu: Yes?

Y/n: Do you think it's better for me to take this pastel blue one or the pastel pink one?

Beomgyu: Didn't you said that you wanted to buy glitters?

Y/n: Yup, but they're already here

She opened her hand and showed him the glitters

Beomgyu: I didn't even saw you taking them-

Y/n: *grin* I'm fast when it comes to colorful and sparkly things

Beomgyu: What are you going to do with this?

Y/n: *shrug* I will probably use it to decorate my phone cases or on my stuff

They went to the cashier to buy what Y/n picked.

Y/n: Where do you want to go now?

Beomgyu: Hmm, I don't really know. I don't have anything I need to buy

Y/n: Shall we wait for the others at the arcade then?

Beomgyu: What about buying you some cute clothes?

Y/n: Clothes? For me?

Beomgyu: Yeah why not? It could be fun!

Y/n: I will see if they have a pastel rainbow hoodie this time then

Beomgyu POV

I looked at her when she said that, her eyes were literally sparkling. She really loves colorful things, it's cute tho. She give off soft vibes

When we arrived at the shop, I saw a cute outfit, I picked it while Y/n was looking for some rainbow hoodies. I will give it to her later, I'm sure it will look cute on her.

Hellooooooooo, today I talked to my crush and when I was messaging him my cheeks were literally burning, and then my phone was burning too 🤡 coincidence? Idk jsjdjzjs. I'm still struggling to write my chapters but I will be able to chill soon cuz tomorrow is my last day of school hehehe :D so I will finally be able to write mooooore~
Have a good day/night and take care of you!💚

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