☆ *・゜゚・* Chapter 40 *・゜゚・* ☆

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(👆🏻 Me adding Stray Kids content in that story 😙✌️)

Y/f/n POV

Girl 1: Ooh, so you're doing it again?

Y/f/n: Yeah, remember last time it really worked. *laugh* There was no one by her side, even her brother wasn't here for her.

Boy 2: Are you sure you want to do it again? I mean, she is a nice girl. Why do you want to hurt her?

Y/f/n: You REALLY think she is a nice and little girl? Hell no, she is just a bitch who stole everything I had.

Girl 3: What has she done?

I took a breathe, sighed and started telling them what happened


I was walking in the playground looking for Hyunjin, my best friend and one of my close friend, Felix. We were in primary school back then, in 5th grade.

Y/f/n: Felix-ssi! Hyunjin-ah!

Hyunjin: Oh hi Y/f/n!

I noticed a girl with them

Y/f/n: Who is she?

Felix: *smile* It's Haechan's sister! Her name is Y/n and she is the same age as you!

Hyunjin: And from now on we're best friends!

Y/f/n: *upset* And what about me?

Felix: *smile* You're still our best friend! But now we're four!

Hyunjin: Yeah he is right! You're our first best friend!

Felix: Jisung, Seungmin and Jeongin are probably already waiting for us, let's go!

When he said that they all ran to find our friends. I don't know why but I had a bad intuition, I tried shrugging it off but I disliked the thought of Y/n being one of our « best friends ». What if she replace me? Who is going to be my friend?

Jisung: Y/f/n! Come on! We're playing hide and seek do you want to play?

Y/f/n: Hannie, who is playing?

Jisung: All the boys and Y/n, why?

Y/f/n: Nah, just to know

Jisung: Oh okay, are you coming then?

Y/f/n: *nod* Yup let's go!


One day I was waiting for Hyunjin, today was the day I wanted to confess to him. I liked him a lot and he was one of my first real friends. My mom brought me to his house and I rang the bell. When the door opened I saw Hyunjin's mom, but I heard laughs, his mom let me go in and when I went to the garden I saw Hyunjin and Y/n playing together.

Hyunjin: Y/n-ah, do you think one day we will hold each other hands as lovers?

Y/n: *tilt her head* Lovers? What is it?

Hyunjin: It's when two people like each other.

Y/n: Oooh~ wait but—

Hyunjin: *smile innocently* This is what I want with you~

When I heard those words, I got out of his house and ran back to my house. I never felt so hurt, probably because he was my first crush..

*End of the Flashback*

Girl 4: Wow, did she accepted him at least?

Y/f/n: No she didn't, but after that Hyunjin kept ignoring me and he would always have all his attention on Y/n

Boy 3: It's normal if he liked her though

I glared at him

Boy 3: Okay okay! I'm keeping my mouth shut.

Boy 2: And what have you done after?

Y/f/n: I would always spend all my time with Felix but he ended up hating me because of her..


It was the end of the day, I was walking alone still lost in my thoughts.

*Another Flashback :D*

We were in the park, the boys went to buy some ice cream to the store beside the park. Me and Y/n were here, she was playing with the swing and I was beside her, watching. Suddenly when I saw her really high, my body moved without me even knowing it. I wanted to take a revenge so bad, I walked behind her and pushed her enough strongly for her to fall from the highest point she could get.

She started crying, and I was here standing behind the swing where I pushed her. Her knees were covered with blood, her ankles were swollen due to when she tried to not fall, she had a cut on her arm due to when she tried grabbing something and I knew she couldn't stand properly. But I did nothing and just looked at her, standing.


Hyunjin: ARE YOU CRAZY?!

Jisung and Seungmin ran to her.

Jisung: Chan hyung! Quick we need to call an ambulance! Y/n can't even stand up!

Y/n: *wince in pain* My legs hurt..

Chan: Don't move! It can get worse! I called an ambulance they will be there soon!

Hyunjin ran to her and cupped her cheeks

Hyunjin: You're going to be okay Y/n, they're going to take care of you.

Minho: Yah, are you crazy or what? What do you wanted to do? Kill her?

I stood there, not moving.


Seungmin: *angry* What has she done to you to do that to her uh?

Y/f/n: *stern* She stole me everything, even Hyunjin

Changbin: Hyunjin isn't an object.

Y/f/n: I loved him..

Hyunjin: And you really think I was going to love someone like you? YOU LITERALLY TRIED TO KILL Y/N

Y/f/n: SHUT UP

And with that I ran away.

*End of the Flashback*

I hate her, I HATE HER SO BAD. She always steals everything I have, so this time it's my turn to steal everything.. I will destroy everything she has. This is what she deserve.. after all the things she did to me... a tear rolled down from my eyes... I hate her...

Helloooo, first I would like to apologize for not posting any chapters during three days I've been really busy and I didn't have the time to write chapters :( I hope you guys didn't mind, if some did then I'm really sorry, I usually post a lot of chapters but this time I really didn't got enough time for myself to do it.
Anyways, have a good day/night and take care of you! 💚

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