☆ *・゜゚・* Chapter 46 *・゜゚・* ☆

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(Little Jisung cuz I lub him T^T 💚)

Jisung POV

I immediately went to her, took her by the shoulders and turned her around.

Y/f/n: Oh Jisung-

Jisung: Can I talk to you?

Y/f/n: Yeah sure, guys can you leave us alone?

I heard some whispering and some gasping, surprised.

Author POV

Y/f/n: So what do you want to tell me Jisungie~?

Jisung: Don't ever say my name again

Y/f/n: What? What happened? *puppy eyes* Why are you being like that Sungie?


Y/f/n: B-but Jisung.. what have I done?

Jisung: *scoff* What have you done? Do you really think you're that innocent?

Y/f/n: I-i haven't done anything wrong-

Jisung: Oh, you sure about that? You're a bitch AND a liar? Not surprising, I can't even believe why I chose to date you. You shouldn't even be the one I should date.

Y/f/n: B-but-

Jisung: Shut up hoe, you made Y/n suffer, the one I love, I don't love you and I don't think I ever did, not even an ounce. But I was so blind and clueless to notice that you were a total slut. My hyungs warned me but I didn't listened to them because I thought you were a good person. But turns out for you to be the shittiest and the worst person in this Earth.

Y/f/n: Whatever they told you it's wrong! Jisung-ah I really like you-

Jisung: Do. Not. Call. My. Name. *sigh* I'm so dumb to have believed you and hurt Y/n at the same time. She has a kind her but you bitch only use her. You doesn't deserve her and neither did I. I hurt her... while all the things she did was supporting and caring for me. We both doesn't deserve Y/n, but you, you deserve to rot in hell after all the shits you did to her.

Y/f/n: J-jisung-

Jisung: Fuck off, I don't want to hear any sound coming out of your mouth anymore. Oh and also just in case you didn't understood because of your stupidity, I'm breaking up with you.

Renjun: *cames out of nowhere holding his baseball bat and hit Y/f/n head with it* I finally used this baseball bat!

Y/f/n: What the fuck did you just did—

Chenle: Wait wait wait it's my turn now!

Renjun handed over the bat to Chenle and he started hitting Y/f/n with it until she ran away, angry.

Haechan: Now that you finally opened your eyes and that you know about your feelings for Y/n.. *inhales* GO CONFESS TO HER DUMBASS

Jisung: I need to apologize to her first. It's not because I broke up with Y/f/n that it means I haven't hurt her before. I need her to forgive me before confessing.

Jaemin: *eyes widen* Why does it feels like our little Jisung matured too much in a short amount of time? *wipe a invisible tear* My baby is growing up so fast

Jeno: At least he now thinks about someone else than himself.

Haechan: Yeah, and that someone is my sister, so if you dare to hurt her again I'm using Renjun's baseball bat on you this time.

Mark: *pat Jisung shoulder* Go and get her now before she moves on from you.

Jisung: *nod* I will try.

Chenle: Gud, now if you may excuse me I still want to hit Y/f/n with that bat.

Jeno: *hold Chenle by the waist* No more fights for the day little noisy dolphin.

Renjun: We can still fight her tomorrow.

Haechan: I'm not against it~

Jaemin: Yeah but your sis is, so if you want to do it at least do it discreetly.

Haechan: Hehe, you won't have to say it twice

Mark: Wait you will really hit a girl? I mean, yes we all dislike her but isn't that a little bit unfair? We're boys and we have more strength than her.

Chenle: It's not Jeno hyung either Jaemin hyung who will hit her so it's okay!

Mark: The baseball bat still hurts though.

Renjun and Chenle shrugged it off, now the boys were happily chit chatting with each other just like before.



I was still walking through the school, searching for my brother who seemed to be nowhere to be find- wait no nevermind I saw them. I immediately ran to the schoolyard when I spotted them.

Y/n: Haechan-aaaaaaaaah

I stopped on my tracks. Finally noticing that Jisung was with them.

Jisung: *scratch the back of his neck* Hi

Y/n: *avoid eye contact* Hii, it's been a while since we haven't spend time all together right?

Jisung: Yup! And I'm happy to do so again.

Y/n: Anyways, Renjun, Chenle.

Renjun: *surprised* Yes?

Y/n: Why did I saw Y/f/n running while holding her head?

Renjun: *shrug* I don't know

Y/n: Then why does Chenle has your mini baseball bat in his hands?

Chenle: I just wanted to play with it that's all-

Y/n: *raise eyebrow* Are you sure you're saying the truth?

Haechan: TheyhitY/f/nwiththebat

Renjun slapped Haechan shoulder really hard.


Y/n: *sigh* I knew it

Chenle: *pout* Please don't hate us for hitting her, we just wanted to give her the lesson she deserved.

Y/n: Of course I won't hate you dumbass, you guys are like my family. You guys were always here to defend and comfort me when I needed to. I won't hate you two just because you hit Y/f/n even if I didn't wanted to. But if it's really what you want to do go ahead already.

Chenle face immediately lighten up and he hugged me.

Chenle: THANK YOUUU wait does that mean I can beat up Y/f/n now?

Y/n: I won't say beat up but you can hit her if you want to. It's not like she never did to me.

After that we all started chit chatting and having fun, but one person wasn't really here with us.

Jisung: Y/n-ah..

He took me by the hands.

Y/n: Yes?

Jisung: Would you like to...

Heyooooo, today chapter is hereeeee. I've been writing a lot recently and honestly I really enjoy it especially when I see my friends reacting to it and enjoy it, even if it's not the best story ever. I really appreciate seeing that some people actually like my work and it really means a lot to me. Thank you for reading my book, I'm really thankful.
Have a good day/night and take care! You're precious 💚✨

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