☆ *・゜゚・* Chapter 44 *・゜゚・* ☆

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(They're cute and handsome, and they know it 😌💚)

Author POV

Y/n: Why are you guys talking like I wasn't here? And why do you want to give a lesson to Y/f/n? She-

Minho: Wow, you're still defending her after all the shits she did to you?

Y/n: I-i'm not defending her! I'm just trying to understand why-

Chenle: You don't need to understand, Jisung needs to see her real side first.

Jisung: And how you want him to believe the four of you if he knows that you guys don't like Y/f/n?

Minho: They will make him listen to the recording on Jaemin phone dumbass.

Jisung: Oh RiGhT— I forgot-

Chan: I hope she will get the lesson she deserve.

Renjun: I will make sure she does.

Haechan: I will beat her up if she dares to hurt Y/n again.

Y/n: I'm not really in, I don't really want her to be as broken as I was...

Changbin: You know that she was the one who started to spread bad rumors about you when you were in 7th grade right?

Y/n: Yeah but still... you guys can have big problems if you hit or bully her... plus it means that you guys are just going down her level...

Jaemin: Well, then we will make her break up with Jisung first, and after we will probably expose her for all the shits she did.

Y/n: Okay but no violence okay? I don't want you guys to have problems, as long as you guys don't hit her I will let you do anything you want.

Haechan: *upset* If it's what you want then okay..

Renjun: *whine* Then when will I have the occasion to use my baseball bat?!

Chenle: Hit Jisung's head with it, maybe he will finally open his eyes.

Felix: *shrug* I'm not really sure it works like that but you can always try.

Beomgyu: What do you guys want to do?

Minho: Oh you guys are done talking?

Jeongin: Oh come on it wasn't even that long!

Chan: Anyways, call us if anything happens we can always help. Plus I'm sure we can be good friends.

Jaemin: Yeah, sure thing.

Haechan: Bye!

Renjun: It was nice to meet you all!

Chenle: Bye guys! Bye Felix!

Felix: Bye Chenle! Goodbye everyone!

Jeongin: See you next time Beomgyu-ah!

Beomgyu: *wave his hand* Byee!

They all exchanged their numbers and got back to their houses. Beomgyu was still here, sitting on the couch, spending some time with the boys and Y/n. They were talking and having fun while learning more about each other. Haechan, him, was a little suspicious about Beomgyu at first but as soon as they stated talking he knew he was a good guy.


It was 7pm now, Beomgyu was still at Y/n's house having a beautiful time (sorry but I really wanted to write it)

Beomgyu: I think I need to go now, it was good spending time with you all it was really funny, thank you!

Chenle: Oh already? It's 7pm only

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