☆ *・゜゚・* Chapter 47 *・゜゚・* ☆

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(Isn't he bootiful? He is bootiful, he is too much bootiful that I feel like he isn't real ;-;💚)

Author POV

Jisung: Would you like to be friends again..?

Y/n: We've always been friends!

Jisung: I want to apologize, properly this time.

Y/n: *kunfused* What do you mean?

Jisung: I want to apologize for all the hurtful things I said and did to you, you didn't deserved all of this and I don't even think I deserve you as a friend. When I started to date Y/f/n I didn't even realized that I hurt you. I dated your « best friend » while she did horrible things to you and being the selfish person I was, I didn't even cared about it. The guys warned me about it, insulted her right in front of my face but all I did was defending, because I thought she was a good person. The guys told me everything, and now that I saw how shitty she is, I want to know that I am truly sorry, and that I will do anything for you to forgive me.

Y/n: *eyes wide* You broke up with Y/f/n?!

Jisung: Yes I did, I couldn't stand her being a bitch with you anymore. But believe me Y/n, I'm ready to do anything for you to forgive me.

He looked at her with puppy eyes, he was clearly starting to tear up, feeling guilty for all the things he did to her..

Y/n: You don't have to do anything for me Jisung-ah

Jisung: But I want you to forgive me.. I don't want you to forgive me that easily just because of your kind heart. I feel the need to gain your trust all by myself.

Y/n: *sigh* You're really stubborn sometimes. I admit that you don't have all my trust but seriously there is no need for that-

Jisung: I want to do it, I feel the need to.

He stared directly into her eyes, giving her the puppy eyes which she can't resist.

Y/n: Fine..

Jisung: Thank you so much Y/n!

He immediately hugged her, so happy that he didn't even thought about it before hugging her. But when he realized he immediately released from the hug. He was definitely being a blushing mess, same goes for Y/n.

Jeno: Did you filmed everything?

Jaemin: Yup, I did

Chenle: *laugh* IT WAS SO CUTEEE

Haechan: I'm watching you Jisung

Jisung: Eye-

Y/n: Oh come on Haechan, he just apologized leave him alone.

Mark: You guys should confess to each other already, we know it already, you guys love each other so why not?

Y/n & Jisung: STFU

Mark: Eye— Okay okay I'm not saying anything else

Jaemin: Renjun, where is your bat?

Renjun: Oh someone borrowed it.

Jeno: Who?

Renjun: I think it was someone named Inoor, she told me she wanted to beat up Y/f/n so I let her to do so and lended her my bat.

Haechan: Ooooh, interesting.


Y/f/n POV

I was in one of this school hallway where no one can see me. How dare Y/n to steal Jisung from me?! I need to make her knows where she truly belongs.

Inoor: Here you are, you trickster hoe

Y/f/n: Who are you?!

Inoor: I'm one of the authornim friends, and I'm here to bang your head against the wall cuz I want to beat you up so bad.

Author POV

As soon as she said that, she grabbed Y/f/n by her hair and you know what will happen after.

(Okay now back to the story you're welcome Inoor, yes I luv you too now shush please :D)


It was lunchtime, Y/n and the others were at the rooftop enjoying their lunch all together. Renjun was chasing Haechan because he stole his food. Jeno and Jaemin watching them calmly, Mark and Chenle were laughing and Jisung and Y/n were having a discussion together.


We were in December now, it was almost Christmas and it was starting to be snowy, the bunch of friends decided to celebrate Christmas all together, they even chose do to a Secret Santa, to make it more funny. They were at Y/n and Haechan house, drinking hot chocolate, with blankets, enjoying winter vibes and doing a sleepover again.

Mark: Shall we pick our Secrets Santas now?

Jaemin: Yup, wait I will go and search for the papers.

Y/n: Hehe, if I get Haechan I already know what I will give you~

Haechan: Yeah, IF. If you're not my secret santa then you won't be able to give me something.

Chenle: I want to get Y/n, I know what to give her hehe

Renjun: If someone get Mark, just buy him a watermelon already.

Mark: Oh come on, I know I love watermelon but still! No need to always buy me that at each birthday!

Jisung: I also want to get Y/n, I think I have a good idea.

Jeno: Oooh~ you want to get something for your girlfriend~?

Y/n & Jisung: *blushing* WE'RE NOT DATING

Chenle: *mumbles* Yet..

Haechan: Not yet

Jeno: You will be soon

They all looked at each other before bursting out of laughing.

Jaemin: Okay! I have the paper! Hyung, you're picking the first paper, then it will be Renjun, Jeno, Haechan, me, Chenle, Jisung and then Y/n.

Renjun: You could just has said that it was in the age order idiot.


Renjun: And you really think I do? The only ones who got a lot of lines are Y/n, Haechan, Jisung and the other bitch.

Chenle: For once I think I have a lot of lines.

Jaemin & Renjun: OH YOU SHUT UP

Mark: You guys shouldn't complain, me and Jeno has the least amount of lines so shut up and let me pick the paper already.

Renjun: Okay okay...

They all picked a paper and opened it, all of them knew whose Secret Santa they were.

Heyooooo, second chapter of this day cuz I feel really hyper :D fortunately I'm not getting too much views at the same time cuz bruh, I NEED A LITTLE BIT MORE TIME FOR MY ANOTHER BOOK. Anyways have a good day/night and take care of you! 💚💚

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