☆ *・゜゚・* Chapter 22 *・゜゚・* ☆

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(It was Haechan's birthday but I didn't posted any chapter :(( So HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO OUR FAVORITE FULLSUN!! 🌻☀️💛)

Author POV

Y/n: *speechless* I- um-

Teacher: Please be quiet, you'll decide of your partner after the lesson.

Everyone shut theirselves and the lesson finally started.

Y/f/n: *whisper* Jisung-ah, why do you want to do the project with Y/n? She isn't even that sma-

Jisung: Shut up, I'm trying to focus on the lesson.

Y/f/n: *upset* Sorry..



The bell rang, it was finally the end of the lesson, I took my stuff and started heading toward the door but I saw Y/n first, waiting.

Jisung: *confused baby chick* You were waiting for me??

She nodded and immediately looked away, her cheeks turned slightly pink. I chuckled, she was being really cute lately, and I kinda liked it..
No, for you who is actually reading the story I'm not falling in love with her, I'm just finding her cute it's not the same thing! 😑

Y/n: We should go Jisung-ah, Haechan and the others are probably already waiting for us.

She talked to me with a soft voice. I nodded and saw a little bit of someone hair beside the wall next to the lockers, I facepalmed, I knew it, it's purple.

Jisung: Haechan hyung I see you!

Haechan: *still hidden behind the wall* I don't know who you are talking about

Y/n: If you don't know who we're talking about then why do you answer us?

Haechan: Eye—

Jisung: *sigh* Come out already!

Haechan: *glare* You weren't supposed to see me

Jisung: But I did, I saw your purple hair

Haechan: Come on guys don't leave me alone!

My eyes widened when I saw all of our friends coming out one by one.

Jisung: *raise eyebrow* What were you guys doing there?

Renjun: *roll eyes* Dude, we were spying on you two, stop pretending you don't know what we were doing

Jisung: Why would you guys spy on us?

Chenle: Because we think you're in-

Haechan quickly covered Chenle mouth and dragged him away.

Jaemin: Shall we head back now? Everyone in front of the siblings house at 11:30am

Mark: See you later then!

Haechan: Yeah let's go Y/n, Jeno?

Jeno: Coming!

Chenle: Renjun hyung let's go!

I headed back home to get my stuff and get rid of my backpack. This morning was tiring hope I will be able to chill down at the amusement park..


I'm so excited~ It's been a while since I get out of this house, and the only time I do it's because I'm going out with my best friend and my brother, without forgetting my new friends! I'm really happy, I think I never been that much happy in my whole life

Jeno: Y/n?

Y/n: Yes??

Jeno: I'm curious, are you and Jisung a.. thing??

Y/n: Wh-


Jeno: I mean.. I heard rumors about you liking Jisun-


Haechan POV

She ran to our house and closed the door, I mentally sighed, again.. I know she like Jisung it's so obvious! But sadly she won't admit it, even Jisung is too clueless to understand that she likes him duh. Guess we will need to play cupid one day, but only if he likes her back~

If he hurt her I will take care of him~ I just hope this Y/f/n b*tch won't interfere..

This chapter was kinda short because I ran up of ideas, sadly I'm bad at writing cliffhanger :/ you'll probably see what Y/f/n will do in the next chapter :D
Hope you'll have a good day/night and take care of you! 💚💚

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