☆ *・゜゚・* Chapter 33 *・゜゚・* ☆

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(NCT Dream won an award, I'm proud of them 😌💚 btw hyuck in that pic is so cute 🥺💚)

Jisung POV

I was in the classroom, sitting beside Y/f/n. She was talking to me but I didn't really paid attention at what she said. I was focused on Y/n and the Tae guy convo. I don't really appreciate the fact that Y/n is talking to him but I can't do anything to it :/ and NO IT'S NOT JEALOUSY DUDE

Y/f/n: Shall we go to the mall together this weekend? I wanna buy some dresses but I need someone to give me advices, and Y/n is already busy

Jisung: Oh then if you want to I'll come.

Y/f/n: Really?? Thank you Jisungie!

Jisung: *smile* You're welcome


15mins ago...

Jisung: So? Is that true?

Y/f/n: Whaaat noo, never. I mean you're really handsome but I don't think I'm in love with you-

Jisung: S-so you could be?

Y/f/n: Uh... I think yes. You're really handsome and cute so why not?

Jisung: *blush hard* T-thank you

Y/f/n: *giggles* You're blushing Jisung-ah

Jisung: I-

Y/f/n: *smile and tilt her head* Let's go to class shall we?

Jisung: Y-yeah!


Back to present :D

I mentally sighed, why do I always have to say yes to her uh? It's not like I never said no to someone, but I don't why I can't with her.

Y/f/n POV

I feel like I'm getting closer to Jisung, anyways I don't think Y/n will interfere between me and Jisung, I can tell just by looking at the way she encourages me to be with him.

I looked at Y/n, she was talking with Taehyun, luckily the teacher agreed to make me sit beside Jisung.



Taehyun: By the way, for the history project

Y/n: *sigh* I'm with Jisung

Taehyun: Then I will do it with HueningKai

Y/n: *upset* Sorry

Taehyun: Nah don't worry it's okay, he asked first so it's normal.

Y/n: Are you sure about it?

Taehyun: *nod* Very

I smiled at him and he smiled back at me. For once I was really happy to have a friend in my class.


It was break time, I rushed over Jaemin and hugged him.

Jaemin: *chuckles* Why do you hug me so suddenly?

He looked at Jisung who was just behind me but he looked away, scratching the back of his neck awkwardly.

Jaemin: Did she ate too much sweets or what? Why are you so hyper?

Y/n: Just randomly, I was happy that's all

Chenle: Now if you excuse me I need to take Y/n with me-

Y/n: Wha-

He took me by the arms and carried me.


Chenle: I need to bring you to him first!


Chenle: Okay okay then stop shouting in my ear please!

He putted me down and we walked through the schoolyard to find Haechan, hidden behind a tree.

Y/n: What are you doin-

Haechan: Shhhhh, she could hear us!

Chenle: Dude she is on the other side of the schoolyard-

Haechan: *roll eyes* Lemme spy in peace!

Chenle: You told me to bring you Y/n here, so I did, now explain why.

Haechan: *to Y/n* You're going to confess to Jisung, soon.


Chenle: Why not? You like him right?

Y/n: Yes but-

Haechan: *imitates a girl voice* « But Y/f/n likes him too and I don't wanna be a bad friend and steal him from her » I know, we get it, you don't wanna be the bad friend but tell me for how long you loved him?

Y/n: Over a year..

Chenle: A YEAR?! Wow, and there is me who thought it was just a little crush. And Y/f/n? For how long?

Y/n: *look away* Days ago..

Chenle: Dang- she is really fast-

Haechan: Yeah yeah, I know she is. But now I want you to confess to Jisung before she does.

Y/n: But..

Chenle: *grab my shoulders* We said no buts right? Then stop hesitating and go confess to him before she does

He looked straight at my eyes, his gaze piercing mines..

Heyooo, I still have a lot to write so I think some chapters won't have any messages at the end of them. Hope you guys will understand that I won't really able to interact with you a lot because of that shitty school >:/
Anyways have a good day/night and take care of you! 💚

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