☆ *・゜゚・* Chapter 14 *・゜゚・* ☆

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(Renjun unicorn/rainbow hair is so pretty 🥺💚)

Author POV

Y/n: *jump* YAY~!

Taehyun: *chuckles* As I can see, you're really excited

Y/n: *nod* I am hehe~ I didn't went out for a while now.

Taehyun: Why-

Teacher: Be quick, go inside inside please lesson is about to start! But first I'm going to choose your places.

Everyone: Okay miss

And then, she called everyone one by one.

Teacher: Okay so.. you.

Y/n: Yes miss?

Teacher: Sit here.

She pointed me the seat, it was in the back of the classroom, near the window. She continued placing everyone until the last one.

Teacher: Did I forget someone? There is an empty seat.

Jisung: *awkward* Um.. ma'am, I don't have a seat.

Teacher: Oh! My bad, I'm sorry. You can sit there next her.

Jisung POV

She pointed me the seat beside Y/n. She was already looking through the window so she probably didn't heard what the teacher said. Well, at least I'm sitting beside a friend.

As soon as the lesson started Y/n turned her head to the board, she glanced beside her and seemed surprised to see me, but her surprised face turned into a sweet smile really quickly, I smiled back at her and we focused on the lesson.

Teacher: Okay so, for this class I want y'all to feel free to express yourself. For those who know how to play an instrument or how to sing, you can rise your hand and come here, no one will judge anyone! So feel free to express yourself by your music!

Taehyun: *rise his hand* I can sing

Y/f/n: Me! I can sing too!

Teacher: Okay then he will go first, after it will be you okay?

She nodded


Taehyun went in front of the class put some music and started singing. *smile* His voice is really beautiful, I wish I had the courage to get up from my seat and sing too..

His song finished and everyone clapped for him, he sure deserve it, it was beautiful.

It was now Y/f/n turn to sing, she got up from her seat confidently and went in front of the class. Everyone stared at her, she was happy for sure, she was the center of attention. She picked a song and started singing. I can't deny it, she sings very well.. her voice is pretty and soft, I wish I could sing as well as her.. I'm pretty sure she wants to show her talents to Jisung, it wouldn't be surprising though. She has everything to make every boys hearts flutters.. she is pretty, talented and really outgoing.. and there is me, who is a shy potato really awkward with people.. I'm not even pretty like her..

Jisung POV

I was listening to Y/f/n singing, well she isn't that bad, I wonder if Y/n can sing too...

The teacher let some people show their talents but Y/n didn't raised her hand, maybe she was too shy? I don't really know. Anyways, the lesson was almost over now.

Teacher: Okay, that's all for today but since some of you didn't raised their hands it doesn't means you guys are not talented. Maybe you were shy or something like that, but I still want you guys to show something to the others who did. So for those who didn't showed anything today, you'll do something next week but it will be a group of the people who didn't showed anything yet. You can go now, class dismiss!


What- I can't do that- especially in front of Jisung- It will be so embarrassing- Ugh.. I'm screwed.. No one ever heard me singing, the only one who did was Haechan because he heard me once singing in my room-

Hellooooo, I'm sorry but I don't have any ideas anymore and I even think my story is getting boring 😙✌️ So I probably won't update my story every 2 days (I will still try tho). I promise I will come up with more interesting chapters soon! I hope you still enjoy this story, thank you for reading it, have a good day/night! 💚

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