☆ *・゜゚・* Chapter 58 *・゜゚・* ☆

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(I love those selcas, they look so good ;-; 💚)

Author POV

It was Saturday, Y/n and Haechan were in the living room eating their breakfast with the boys who came here early because they are supposed to go out all together. They were all chit chatting with each other until the door bell rang. Y/n got up and opened the door, revealing Y/f/n standing there.

Y/n: Uh?? What are you doing here that early in the morning??

Y/f/n: I... wanted to say sorry again.

Y/n: *tilt her head* Is that all?

Y/f/n: *shakes her head* No, I also came here to say that I will go to the States. We found my mother there and my father and me wanted to reunite our family again... and I felt like you had the rights to know where I will go. I'm sorry that I have to leave you, I wanted to have a better start with you again but since I'm leaving I won't really be able to... but I promise once I will come back there, I will have a better start with you and with everyone.

Y/n: Have a safe flight then, be careful of your surroundings too.

Y/f/n: Thank you Y/n-ah

Haechan: What are you doing here?

Y/f/n: I came here to say goodbye to Y/n

Haechan: And what happened to your leg?

Y/n: I pulled her before she get hit by a car.

Haechan: YOU WHAT-

Y/n: Shut up, I wasn't even on the road if you think I was in danger.

Haechan: I— okay bye

Y/f/n: W-wait!

Haechan: What now?

Y/f/n: I wanted to apologize for being... a bitch with you..

Haechan: *raise his eyebrow* Do you promise me you won't hurt Y/n anymore?

Y/f/n: I won't and I will never do that again-

Haechan: Good, then you're forgiven

Y/n: Wow- it's not like boys-

Haechan: *smile* Shush.

Jisung: Oh? Y/f/n? You're already out of the hospital?

Y/f/n: Yeah.. they told me I could be discharged but I need to keep those crutches for months.

Jisung: Oh.. I hope you'll get better soon then

Y/f/n: I need to go now.. my dad is waiting for me.

Jisung: Uh? You're going somewhere?

Y/f/n: To the States, we're going to find my mom there. I want my family to be reunited again..

Y/n: Is your little brother there too?

Y/f/n: Yeah he is living with my grandparents in the States. I will finally be able to see him after years.

Jisung: You have a brother?!

Y/f/n: Yeah, he was born in 2005 but he stayed with my grandparents when we moved here.

Jisung: Wow, I didn't knew. I always thought you were an only child.

Y/f/n: Anyways, I need to go now. See you next time you two!

Y/n & Jisung: *wave* Goodbyeee!

They slowly watched her walking away, Y/n was kind of sad when she saw her get in the car. She wanted to restart everything with Y/f/n but she was more happy for Y/f/n because she will finally be able to see her mother again..

Jisung: Are you going to miss her?

Y/n: Yes.. a lot. We might not have the best friendship but I still care for her a lot. And now that she finally decided to have a new beginning, I think things are going to change for her.

Jisung: *pat her head* You're really a good friend, Y/n-ah~

Author: Aww cuties, now I feel single :,)

Jaemin: Don't worry you'll find love one day, don't need to be impatient.

Author: I'm not impatient tho, I just feel single because of these two :,)

Haechan: Then don't write things about love stories

Author: Oh you stfu

Haechan: HEY— I don't even know how you can write an entire love story if you never lived one.

Author: SHUT UP, I know I never lived any love stories so shut the fuck up. Find a boyfriend or a girlfriend first before talking to me :,)

Haechan: Who said I don't have a boyfriend?


Haechan: *wink* Yeah yeah sure sweetie, soon you will be

Author: *sigh* Anyways, I'm out

Y/n: Byee, have a good day

Author: Thank you :,)

Chenle: Where are we going this afternoon though? You guys just said we were going out but not where!

Haechan: It's Jisung birthday, so Y/n prepared something for him and we're going with them.


Renjun: And Y/n is his girlfriend so stop whining and eat or else I'm eating your food

Jeno: Actually, only you and Jisung doesn't know what's going on. But you should actually know about the surprise because we told you the whole thing already. You were just not listening dumbass.

Mark: Even if I wouldn't have wanted to come Haechan would have dragged me with him anyway.

Chenle: How come I wasn't listening-

Jeno: You were playing games on your phone when we were talking about it.

Chenle: I-

Jaemin: You should eat now Chenle-ah once we will be done preparing ourselves we're going to go

Jisung: Where are we going?

Y/n: *grin* It's a surprise

Jisung: Oh-


Jeno: Are you guys ready? We're leaving now

Jaemin: *counts* 6, 7 and 8. Yes we're all here let's go now

After a hours they were finally arrived to the place Y/n wanted to go.

Y/n: You can open your eyes now!

Jisung: *eyes widen* No way.. woaaaah i can't believe you guys really brought me there

Haechan: It's all Y/n idea, we just helped her with the price and the place.

Jisung: We're staying here?

Jaemin: Why would I have asked you to bring some clothes with you then?

Jisung: Woah, I really like it

Y/n: Now that we're here in the mountains, we will finally be able to spend time all together and having fun!

He suddenly hugged her

Jisung: Thank you Y/n-ah, I really like it!

Chenle: Where are we staying though?

Mark: In a cottage, we rented one.

Jisung: *smile* That's really amazing, thank you everyone, I love it

Jaemin: You're welcome Jisung-ah~

Jisung: You guys are really amazing..

Hellooo, first I'm sorry I didn't updated yesterday but I was really running out of ideas, it's actually almost midnight here, but I'm still up writing the story and I hope you'll enjoy it. I'm also sorry if there is any typos, my eyes hurt and I'm actually a little tired. Anyways have a good day or night and take care of you! 💚

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