☆ *・゜゚・* Chapter 3 *・゜゚・* ☆

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Jisung: Your sister? You have a sister? *realization hit him* Don't tell me-

Jaemin: *talk softly* Y/n-ah

He squeezed a little my hand. Seeing me, Jisung was a little taken aback.

Haechan: Yes, Y/n is my sister so what?

Jisung: N-nothing... I'm sorry hyung

He slightly bowed and leaved

Haechan: I'm sorry Y/n... sorry for abandoning you when you needed me... sorry for everything..

Y/n: *shakes head* I already forgave you, you are my brother after all! *smile*

Haechan: *hug* Thank you Y/n.. I promise I won't leave you again.. I was so stupid..

Y/n: Well.. sometimes you are really stupid I can't deny it *giggles*

Haechan: You-

*Bell ring*

Jaemin: We need to go in class now, see you later Y/n!

They waved at me and started walking toward their class

It's okay Y/n, it will be okay..

I walked back to my class, just like Haechan and Jaemin did. They are two years older than me so we're not in the same class. Unfortunately, I'm in Jisung's class and I don't want him to see me now...


I headed toward her and sat

Y/f/n: Y/n! You know what??

I responded, humming

Y/f/n: *daydreaming* I think I'm in love

Y/n: With?

Y/f/n: *whisper* Jisung~

My heart silently ached

Y/n: W-with Jisung?

She nodded. I acted like I was happy and excited, but I was honestly a little bit sad. I knew Y/f/n didn't cared about me, that's why she already forgot I'm in love with Jisung for a year now.. but it still hurts...

Y/n: *smirk* And are you planning to confess to him?

Y/f/n: N-not yet, Can you help me? Pweeaaase *puppy eyes*

Y/n: *fake smile* Of course I will help you!

Y/f/n: But I'm afraid he will reject me...

Y/n: Why would he reject you? You are gorgeous, nice and smart! He can't reject you!

Y/f/n: *hug* Aww that's so sweet of you, but I'm too shy to confess now.. I think I will confess at the end of the year.. so like that he will not become distant and weird with me!

Y/n: *shrug and fake smile* As you want to~

Y/f/n: *hug* Thank you Y/n!

Y/n: *taken aback* For what?

Y/f/n: For accepting to help me

Y/n: I don't think I will help you a lot, but I'll still try if you want to-

Y/f/n: Aww, you're a really good friend Y/n~

Y/n: T-thank you..

Y/f/n: And you?

Y/n: Me what?

Y/f/n: Do you have a crush on someone? *wiggles eyebrows*

Y/n: *look away* Oh look the teacher is coming. The class will start soon.

Author POV

Time was passing by, Y/n was in history class, Jisung was two seat farther than her seat, glancing at her every time he could without letting himself being caught by her. He didn't even knew why he was still observing her.

Meanwhile Mark was in music class, Chenle in PE, Renjun, Jeno, Haechan and Jaemin were in science class.

Jaemin was still thinking about Y/n, after what he did, he was still worrying for her all the time..

Haechan was trying to focus on the lesson but he couldn't he was worrying for his little sister, she never had much friends and the only one who is here for her is just a little b*tch too selfish, who doesn't even care about Y/n, not even a little bit.

Jeno and Renjun were focusing on the lesson even thought they still didn't know what to think of the « Jisung » situation. Jisung has clearly been insensitive but they don't know what to do about it.

The bell ring, announcing the end of the lesson. Everyone walked out of their class.

Y/n got out of her class, her eyes immediately leaned on Haechan and Jaemin who were going out of their class.

She ran to them, Jisung watching her running. He somewhat wanted to apologize for his bad attitude but he couldn't. Something was stopping him to do it.

Y/n: Hyuck!

Haechan: Y/n, what's your last lesson?

Y/n: I have PE and today we are playing with your class! Imma beat you at sports! *stick her tongue out*

Haechan: No you can't little hamster *pat her head*

Y/n: *glare* I'm not a kid anymore

Haechan: But I am still 2 years older than you *stick out his tongue*

Y/n: *scoff* Say the one who is sticking his tongue at his YOUNGER sister

Jaemin was listening to them, chuckling at their childish behavior. He was happy that the both of them are finally reunited. His two childhoods friends, they were really important for him.

Not a while after they started going to the gym with Renjun, Jeno, Haechan, Jaemin and Y/n, Jaemin spotted someone presence not far away from them.

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