1. Moving Day

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Paisely's POV

  I can barely contain my excitement today. My bags have been packed since last night, not that I really had much to pack anyways. Pretty much everything at my apartment belongs to Maddie, my big sister. I'm really grateful she let me live with her for so long anyway.

  I could have had my own place all this time, but I hate being alone. And truth be told, I'm not good at taking care of myself. At 22, you'd think I was a little more capable, but even when I think I'm making a great decision, it usually blows up in my face. I've gotten myself into plenty of trouble over the years. I always have good intentions though. That has to count for something.

  Maddie says I'm naive, that I'm too trusting and easily manipulated or taken advantage of. It kinda sucks that that's how my sister sees me. Even if is true, but I just can't help it.

  I've been living with Maddie since my senior year of high school and it's been great. She looks out for me and is so supportive of me. Unlike our parents, who I doubt even noticed when I left home nearly five years ago. I haven't talked to them since and I don't want to.

  The best part about Maddie is that other than the average sisterly teasing, she doesn't judge me. I'm especially grateful for that because, well I'm a little. I've been teased relentlessly because of that. I don't even mean to let my little side slip, it just happens sometimes and people think I'm weird. Maddie doesn't think I'm weird though.

  Come to think of it, I'll miss living with Maddie. I'll only be about a twenty minute drive away, but still. I am really excited for this next chapter though. Like really, really excited.

  Today I'm moving in with my new mommies. I met the married pair at a bdsm munch event for littles and caregivers. Beth and I hit it off after just a few minutes of chatting. Then she introduced me to her wife, Jordan. Everything felt so right about them. From there, we've spent the last month talking and getting to know each other. They invited me to their house several times and I even slept over a couple times. Then they asked me to move in and be their babygirl.

  To say I was ecstatic would be an understatement. I agreed without a second thought. Maddie thought it was a little soon, but she had her chance to interrogate Jordan and Beth one night when we all had dinner together. That was pretty embarrassing, but I know she was just looking after me. Maddie eventually gave me her blessing, though I would have moved with or without it. I reaaallly like my new mommies.

  "Paisley?" A voice calls out, followed by a knock on my door and Maddie pushing it open. I don't know why she even bothers to knock, she never waits for me to respond.

  "What's up?" I smile from the edge of my bed. My room looks pretty empty without my stuff on the walls.

  "I just want to see how you're feeling. Beth will be here soon." Maddie says coming to sit beside me.

  "I'm excited!" I grin, snuggling my stuffed bear to my cheek.

  "Good. No second thoughts?" She asks.


  "Well then." She chuckles and wraps an arm around me, giving me a sideways hug. "I'm gonna miss you peanut." She says softly.

  "I'll still see you." I say. If she cries then I'll cry. And if I cry, there's no telling when I'll stop.

  "I know. It just won't be the same."

  "Admit it, you were getting sick of me anyway." I tease.

  "Well you are pretty needy. And not to mention a slob." She teases back.

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