32. Tickle or Spank

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Paisley's POV

  Yesterday felt a lot like opposite day in our home. At least for my mommies, for me everything was the same. It was pretty silly seeing them taking on different roles with each other. I didn't know either of them were able to switch like that. I know I couldn't be dominant even if I wanted to be.

  The mood this morning during breakfast was quiet. No one seemed upset with each other, but maybe just a little unsure. It was kind of awkward if I'm being honest. Luckily it didn't last long cause Mommy had to be at work and she drops me off on the way.  

  I'm just finishing up my work day, playing a game of follow the leader throughout the gym. It's just as much fun for me as it is for the girls I coach. This is about as dominant as I get, I'm the leader and that's only because I'm the coach.

  I've got my girls doing bunny hops all the way to the lobby where their parents are waiting to pick them up. We giggle and say our goodbyes as class is over for the day. As I look up, I see a familiar face amongst all the other parents.


  What's she doing here? Mommy is always the one to pick me up and she never comes inside. I smile at Mama and wave, then run to the coaches office to grab my bag. I call out my goodbyes to the other coaches and the girls who are still practicing. Once I have my things, I meet Mama in the lobby, slipping my hand into hers.

  "Whatcha doing here?" I ask curiously.

  "You're not happy to see me?" Mama teases, giving my hand a squeeze as we walk out towards the parking lot.

  "I am happy to see you! Just surprised." I smile squeezing her hand back.

  Mama opens my car door for me and sets my bag into the back seat. Once she's behind the wheel she reaches across me to buckle my seat belt. I could do it myself, but I like when Mommy or Mama buckles me in. It makes me feel all little and safe.

  "Where is Mommy?" I ask as Mama starts the car.

  "She's at home...icing her booty." Mama smirks.

  "Oh..Oh!" I gasp as I realize what Mama is saying. I giggle softly, poor Mommy.

  "You didn't think I would let you two get away with your shenanigans, now did you?" Mama chuckles.

  "W-wait...Am I in twouble?" I ask nervously. If Mommy's butt is bad enough to need ice, what does that mean for me when we get home?

  "You sure are Princess." Mama smirks again. I can't help the whimper of fear that leaves my lips. Now I'm scared to go home, I should have known I'd be in trouble. Mama is not the type to really let things go. "Don't worry Princess, your bottom won't get the same treatment as Mommy's." Mama says, patting my thigh gently.

  Her words should ease the fear I'm feeling, but they don't. I wonder if I can get out of this.

  As we pull up to a red light, I stick out my lower lip and will my eyes to tear up a bit. "No twouble Mama. I good girl." I say in my sweetest voice.

  "Sorry Princess, but that sweet little pout isn't going to help you." Mama chuckles softly.


  "What did you just say?" Mama asks with narrowed eyes.

  Oops did I say that out loud?

"Nothing!" I quickly say. Mama nods and clicks her tongue, shifting her eyes back to the road as the light changes. The rest of the ride home is quiet. I'm left alone with my thoughts which only increases my anxiety.

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