23. Kitchen Incident

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Beth's (Mommy) POV

Even though I knew the general idea of what Jordan had planned for our little scene, she still managed to surprise me. I love the way her mind works. The entire scene had been a huge turn on and Paisley seemed to really enjoy herself.

She whined when Jordan untied her chest harness, saying she was sad to see it go. Turns out we have a little rope bunny on our hands. I know that excites Jordan because there are some more advanced ties she's been wanting to try, that I don't have a huge interest in. Well really, I don't have the patience for. I like the quick and easy ties, typical bondage kind of stuff, whereas Jordan likes the art form of shibari. When Jordan wants to learn something new, it's a process. And not necessarily a fun one, at least not to me. It more so involves me being a mannequin for however long she says. It rarely includes sex and I typically get yelled at for being distracting if I talk.

So if Paisley wants to play with rope with Jordan, all the better. It seems like a win-win to me.

We're all back to work today and the morning was pure chaos. It started off with Jordan and I realizing we forgot to put Paisley in a diaper last night. Waking up to wet sheets is not a good start to the day. On top of that, Paisley felt so bad about her accident that she was practically hysterical. Calming her down enough to get her showered, dressed and out the door to make it to work on time was a task. I'm hoping her work day goes well and she's in a better mood by the time I pick her up.

Just in case her mood hasn't improved, I made a stop on my way to pick her up. The thought had crossed my mind this morning that I've never bought flowers for Paisley. While I'm not sure if she has a favorite type of flower, I know she loves everything pink. So I picked out a pink flower arrangement that has roses which are Jordan's favorite and carnations which are mine. I thought it was cute at the playground how Paisley suddenly wanted to know more about us. Now she'll have our favorite flowers.

I send Paisley a quick message when I park outside of her work. It's become routine that I drop her off and pick her up on work days, since she works close to me and our hours are similar. Paisley never got her driver's license because she said she's terrified of driving. Jordan's not a huge fan of driving either, but that's mostly because she considers everyone on the road to be idiots and it only fuels her road rage. Personally, I've always liked driving and don't mind being the family chauffeur.

A few minutes go by before Paisley walks out of the building. I frown slightly seeing, she doesn't have that typical Paisley pep to her step. I guess that means she didn't have a great day.

"Hi Pumpkin. How was work?" I ask as she gets in the passenger side.

"Yucky Mommy." She pouts softly. "I has my paci pease?"

"I'm sorry your day was yucky. And I'm sorry baby, but I don't have your paci with me." I say. She's hit or miss with the pacifier. Some days, especially when she first moved in, she's attached to the thing. While other days not so much. Tears fill her eyes and she leans back against the seat, quietly buckling herself in. Oh my poor baby, I hate seeing her upset.

"I will get your paci first thing when we get home." I say softly, leaning over to kiss her cheek. "I have something else for you though." I smile, reaching into the back for the bouquet.

"Oooh Mommy, pwetty!" She gasps taking the flowers and dancing her fingers lightly over the petals. "Dis for me?" She asks skeptically.

"Yes Pumpkin, I thought you needed a pick me up after this morning."

"No one eber got me flowers afore.." She muses with a hint of a smile as she leans closer and sniffs. "Tank you Mommy!"

"You're welcome sweet girl. Now how about we go home and see Mama?" I ask and she nods enthusiastically.

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