13. Family Time

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Jordan's (Mama) POV

  As Beth puts the car into park, I smile looking around the property. Her family lives in a nice area that's situated along the lake. I've always loved visiting as it kind of has a nature retreat feel to it. They even have their own boat dock with kayaks and a small speed boat. Mostly what I love about visiting is the way Beth's heart just melts seeing home. Her family is always waiting with open arms. Though I am nervous about their reaction to our relationship with Paisley, I know everything will be just fine.

  Beth's father, Jeff is the first to appear with a big smile. He looks like he's spent the day working outside. Beth is already getting out of the car and I'm more than happy to stretch my legs as I help Paisley out.

  "Lizzy!" He exclaims wrapping Beth into a tight bear hug. I chuckle hearing the name, her entire family still calls her Lizzy, though she's gone by Beth for a long time now. It doesn't matter how old she gets, she'll always be little Lizzy here.

  Paisley is clinging tight to the back of my shirt, hiding from sight best she can.

  "And Jordan, it's lovely to see you too." Jeff grins as he turns his attention to Paisley and I. He reaches over to give me a suffocating hug. Every time I see this man, I forget how tight his hugs are. As he pulls back, he smiles at Paisley who is still trying to hide behind me. "And who's this?"

  "This is Paisley." I smile.

  "She's our little girl, Dad." Beth says, thankfully finishing my thought and taking the anxiety out of the statement.

  "Well she is pretty small." He chuckles "Welcome! Some call me Dad, but to most I'm Jeff." He says speaking to Paisley.

  "It's alright baby, Jeff is nice." I say giving her a nudge forward. She shyly smiles at him.

  "That's alright. You'll warm up to us I'm sure." He smiles then claps his hands together. A small gesture I've noticed that Beth also does a lot. "Well come on in, everyone! Mom's been cooking up a storm and Mikey's excited to see you!"

  He and Beth grab all the bags from the car and I hold onto Paisley's hand as we head inside. She's very quiet at the moment, but I can't say I blame her. Jeff didn't even question the statement, which is true to his nature. He's always been an easy going, go with the flow kind of guy.

  The front door leads straight into the living room and Beth's mother, Sherry bustles in quickly. "Lizzy, Jordan! We're so excited you decided to visit!" She grins giving us each hugs before she notices Paisley. "You brought a friend?"

  "This is Paisley, our little girl." Beth says, coming to stand beside me and bringing Paisley to stand in front of us.

  Sherry's eyebrows shoot up and it looks like a thousand questions cross her mind. "Well hello Paisley. I hope you don't mind, but I'm a hugger." She smiles, pulling Paisley into a brief hug. "Your little girl, what exactly does that mean?" Sherry asks Beth.

  "Uh well she's a little and we're her mommies." Beth explains.

  "A little?"

  "She embraces a childlike state of mind and we care for her." Beth says.

  "Hmm." Sherry hums, another question clearly on the tip of her tongue, but she's cut off by Jeff.

  "Honey, they just walked in the door. Let them get settled in. I'm sure we can learn all about little Paisley at dinner." Jeff smiles, tugging his wife close to his side. Her eyes go wide and she pushes him away gently.

  "Oh shoot, dinner! I'm cooking right now!" She exclaims rushing back into the kitchen. Beth laughs and shakes her head.

  "Where's Mikey?" Beth asks.

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