17. Trouble Maker

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Paisley's POV

"You know I can't carry you Pumpkin, Mama wouldn't like that." Mommy tells me when I whine for the third time. It's scary walking with a blindfold. I know Mommy is watching and keeping me safe, but every step I take has my heart pounding hard. I don't even really mind the mittens, maybe getting the key isn't that important.

"Pleeeasee Mommy!" I whine. It's been a few minutes already and I've only just made it outside my bedroom. I'm terrified of the stairs and Mama very clearly went downstairs.

"Nope, sorry Pumpkin. You're doing good, keep walking forward sweetheart." Mommy says gently. I take an itty bitty tiny step, my arms out to either side, trying to feel for something. The mittens make it hard to actually feel anything, but I can tell when my fingers graze the wall and that helps just a little bit. I wonder how closely Mommy is watching, maybe I could just peek under my blindfold if I could inch it up a bit.

"Ah ah, no baby you can't do that. Follow Mama's rules." Mommy says stopping me from shifting the blindfold. I groan loudly and stomp my feet. I don't like this, I'd rather get spanked again. Well maybe not. The spanking wasn't so bad until Mama got to about 6. Then it really started to sting. By the time Mama got to 10 I was so relieved when she let me get up. I have a feeling she was going easy on me, so yeah I probably don't want another spanking. My tush still hurts right now, though whatever cream Mama put on helped it feel a little better.

"Come on Pumpkin, keep going." Mommy says. "You can take bigger steps than that. I promise there's nothing in the hallway that will trip you up."

Even though I know Mommy's right, I'm still scared when I start moving again. I could just as easily trip over my own two feet. And who knows how close I am to the top of the stairs?! I could trip and tumble down and Mommy wouldn't even have time to react!

I know I was pushing buttons earlier, I wanted to know what would happen. Now that I've found out, maaaaybe I should have listened to Mama in the first place. But running nakey in the grass felt so good! I bet I could be nakey all the time and I'd love it. Then I got to jump in the pool! So maybe I got in a little trouble, but I think it was worth it. At least I had fun first and while Mama might have been a little mad, I don't think she was mad mad, if that makes sense.

"Ok Pumpkin, we're at the stairs. Reach your hand out for the railing." Mommy tells me. I do as she says, but clam up when she tells me to step down.

"I don't wanna." I whine. These stairs are going to be the death of me, I just know it.

"Hmm why don't you sit on your bottom and scoot down?" Mommy says. Actually that's not a bad idea. I hold the railing as tight as I can with my mittens and sit down. That's when I feel a warm, wetness. I peed myself! This is so scary I wet myself and I didn't even know it.

"Mommy I wet." I whine.

"Hmm would you like to go back to your room or wait until you make it downstairs for a change?" She asks.

"Downstairs." I say, I don't want to have to go aaaalll the way back to my room. That would be like starting over. "Mommy uppie! Peasee?" I beg desperately. Maybe my wet diapey will be enough to convince her to carry me.

"Sorry Pumpkin, you have to come down on your own. Otherwise we'll both be in more trouble."

"B-buh I need new diapey."

"I'll change you downstairs. Come on baby, keep moving. The sooner we get down, the sooner I can change you and the sooner you get those mittens and blindfold off."

"Ugh!" I groan, hating the squish of my wet diapey as I scoot down another step. I don't know how long we've been doing this, but it feels like hours.

Mommy encourages and praises me with every step I scoot down. Eventually I make it to the bottom and Mommy says to stay put. I hate sitting alone and blindfolded. I don't know where Mommy went even though a part of me knows she's just going to get a diaper. Still I can't see and being alone has me feeling panicky.

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