30. Game of Chance

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Jordan (Mama's) POV

Beth's clear disdain for the chastity belt has provided me much entertainment over the last 48 hours. She goes back and forth from complaining about it to taking on a cocky attitude. I'm not sure where the cockiness comes from, it's as if she's trying to prove a point that the belt isn't that bad. Her point is pretty pointless though when the next minute she's telling me how annoying the belt it. Either way, I'm amused. Even Paisley finds it funny and while I probably shouldn't encourage her, she's having fun teasing Beth.

I've been unlocking Beth for a few minutes here and there so she can use the restroom or take a shower. The smug looks she gives me as she shuts the door on me afterwards only add to the amusement. Mostly because the moment she's done, she's back in the belt and her entire demeanor changes.

While today is a work day, she's opted to work from home. Understandably so, I had no intention of unlocking her for work, so at least she can enjoy the comfort of home while she's locked up. It's just been the two of us home today and other than a few interactions, we've both been pretty focused on our individual work. Today is one of Paisley's work days and it's just about time for her to be picked up.

"Can you pick her up?" Beth asks whining softly. "I don't want to leave the house like this."

"No one will know and you don't even have to get out of the car." I smirk.

"Jordannnn!" She whines even more, her desperation really showing.

"Mm yes dear?" I ask with the sweetest smile.

"Ugh you suck!" She pouts.

"Is that really what you want to say to me?" I ask while raising a brow in challenge.

"No.." She mumbles while grabbing her keys and tucking her wallet into her back pocket. "I'll be back."

"Ok, drive safe." I smile and reach my arm out to her. She reluctantly leans into me and presses a quick kiss to my cheek. I chuckle at how half hearted the kiss was as I gently pat Beth's cheek. "Love you baby."

"Love you too." She mumbles and is out the door. Paisley's job isn't far from the house and I expect the pair to be back within a half hour. I use my alone time to finish my current work task and then head up to the bedroom.

  Last night I was looking for inspiration in the way of chastity games and play. I told Beth she had to keep the belt on for three days, which means I would need to unlock her tomorrow. I never said what time tomorrom. She's probably assuming she can have it off first thing in the morning, but technically her 72 hours won't be up until around 8 in the evening.

  I came across an idea last night that I think would be fun. I played around with the idea in my head a bit and changed a few things to suit my interests as well as Beth's turn ons. I've decided to leave the timing up to chance. Beth will roll a pair of dice which in turn will determine whether the belt comes off in the morning or evening. The dice will also determine our play scene for tonight. I head downstairs just as my girls are walking through the door and I'm greeted with a big bear hug.

  "Mama!" Paisley squeals.

  "Hi baby, how was your day?" I ask with my arms wrapped snug around her.

  "Ood! Guess wha?" She giggles, so I raise a brow and hum, urging her to continue. "Guess wha I got?" She smirks and sticks her tongue out. Upon inspection, her tongue is bright blue.

  "Hmm looks like maybe a lollipop?" I chuckle.

  "Uh huh! Mama it was blue raspberry!" She says excitedly.

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