11. Time for a Chat

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Paisley's POV

  I'm stuck at the dining room table writing lines cause I hit Mama. I really didn't mean to hit her like that. I just wanted to stay in my fort. It's so cool!

  Mommy said I have to stay here and write until she comes back downstairs and says I can stop. It feels like she's been gone forever and my hand is starting to cramp. I lay my head on the table and take a break until I hear footsteps on the stairs. I quickly pick up my pen and go back to my lines.

  56. I will never hit my mommies
  57. I will never hit my mommies

  Ugh I wanna cry, why did I hit Mama? That was so stupid. She looked so mad and scary. She probably hates me now and is going to send me away.

  58. I will never hit my mommies

  Tears fall from my eyes and wet my paper. I keep writing, but soon I can't see past my tears. My shoulders shake with my sobs and the pen falls out of my hand.

  "Hey Pumpkin. Let's see what you've got here." Mommy says, her hand rubbing my back. "I want you to write two more for me, make it an even 60." She says softly and places the pen back into my hand. I rub the tears out of my eyes and write the last two lines, sniffling away.

  "Good job baby." Mommy coos and holds her arms open to me. I don't waste any time in snuggling into her cozy hug. "Are you ready to go apologize to Mama?"

  I nod, but I'm really scared to face Mama right now. I just want punishment to be over. Mommy sets me on my feet and wipes away my tears with her thumbs.

  "You understand why you need to apologize, right baby?" She asks while crouched down in front of me. I nod my head. "I need to hear you say it Pumpkin."

  "Cuz I hit Mama and hitting is not allowed." I speak just above a whisper.

  "That's right, no hitting. We use our words and talk things through. Which is exactly what you and Mama are going to do right now."

  "Is Mama gonna throw me out?" I ask anxiously. I don't know if I can face her if that's what's about to happen.

  "No. No baby. She's just upset and that's why you need to talk to her." Mommy reassures me.

  "Okie Mommy."

  I'm still scared but I know talking to Mama isn't an option. Mommy stands and grabs my hand, then starts leading me to the stairs. I swallow thickly and try to prepare myself for Mama. What if she hits me this time?

  "What's up Pumpkin?" Mommy asks when I come to a stop, frozen on the top step.

  "Mama might hit me." I whimper.

  "I promise she won't hit you. Listen sweetie, Mama isn't the best with her feelings either. But it's really important that you two start sharing with each other. Can you do that for me Pumpkin?"

  I shrug and look down at my feet.

  "Can you at least try? Mama promised to try too. And I just know that you two can help each other along the way." Mommy says and squeeze my hand before giving me a gentle tug.

   I nod and tell myself to be brave as I start moving again. I hide behind Mommy a little bit as we get to her and Mama's bedroom. Mama's sitting in a robe on the edge of the bed while looking at her phone. She sets her phone aside and looks up. She doesn't look mad or even sad really, though her eyes are a little red. Oh no was Mama crying because of me?

  "Paisley has something she'd like to say to you." Mommy says, gripping my shoulders lightly and moving me to stand in front of her.

  I gulp and look Mama in the eye. "I sowwy for hittin ou Mama." I squeak out.

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