33. Babygirl

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Jordan's (Mama) POV

  Paisley has been awfully quiet around me the last couple days. I'm not sure if this in response to her punishment or if she's just in a bit of a mood. I've tried to ask her about it, but she doesn't have much to say. That's mostly because she's been so deep in her little space.

  What confuses me is that she's not acting upset or scared around me. I almost would expect those reactions if this were due to her punishment. She still follows me around the house and constantly snuggles into my lap. She's been wanting to nurse a lot, which I defintely don't mind. My body does however, I noticed this morning that my nipples are actually kind of chapped. I didn't realize that was a thing until a quick google search.

  I have to admit it really is cute seeing her so deep in little space. She only speaks a few words here and there and she mostly relies on gestures and whining to get her point across. She's perfectly content snuggled up in a blanket with her stuffed animals and cartoons. That's made the last couple days very productive ones for me. Usually, I'm trying desperately to find activities to occupy her so I can get some work done. Today however, I've got Paisley curled up on the couch beside me while I work on my laptop.

  I look over when I hear her giggle, only to see her eyes trained on her show. She really loves that damn Bubble Guppies cartoon. I imagine she's seen every episode numerous times by now.

  "Something funny?" I ask, raising a brow and smiling at my babygirl.

  "Nonny!" She giggles cutely, a pacifier dangling in her lips. I think Nonny is the name of one of the mermaids. As many times as this show has been on in our house, I still couldn't really tell you a thing about it.

  "How cute." I smile and lean over to kiss the button of Paisley's pacifier. She giggles and kicks her feet excitedly as her arms wrap around my neck. Little Paisley is adorable. I hug her close to me and set my computer aside. I've actually been working ahead today. "Are you hungry Princess?"

  "Nu uh." She shakes her head.

  That's the other thing, she hasn't really been eating very much food. We've nursed twice and Beth got her to eat some oatmeal in the morning, but that's it. I find myself wondering if maybe Paisely is coming down with something. I place my hand over her forehead, she doesn't feel warm.

  "Oh I wish you would talk to me baby. What's going on?" I ask softly, not really expecting a response.

  "Mmm Mama." She hums softly, nuzzling her nose against my neck. I rub slow circles over her back and purse my lips in thought.

  One other thing that stands out with Paisley's most recent behavior is that she isn't acting the same when Beth is home. Well not quite the same. She's still very much in a small mindset, but she strings together more than a couple of words when she talks to Beth.

  The two of them aren't having conversations with any substance really, but still. Paisley is more willing to talk with Beth.

  Unfortunately, this is nothing new. I'm just happy there is no animosity towards me this time. I've tried talking to Beth about my concerns, but she doesn't seem worried at all. She thinks this is probably just a phase. I'm not sure I agree there. Beth's other theory, is that Paisely may be feeling extra cautious around me because she doesn't want to be punished. That makes more sense to me, but I'll never know for sure because Paisley didn't give me much as far as an answer when I tried to talk to her about it.

  It's far too easy to let my mind run away with this train of thinking. Maybe I should take Beth's advice and just relax and let things be. It's a lot easier said than done though.

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